Thursday, March 3, 2011

Food Provition List Sailing Boat

Pontedera (Pisa) - Exhibition of the Portuguese SendAs Noah: "Parallel - In Search of the German Diaries Versus Crystal Girls

The Centrum Sete Sois Sete Luas national premiere the Portuguese artist Noah SendAs with the photographic exhibition "Parallel - In Search of the German Diaries Versus Crystal Girls .
In his videos, sculptures and photo collages digital SendAs brings together the various components of Western culture, mixandole up to give them new meanings. The quotations express or implied use various forms of expression: video, sculpture, sound, photography. In many of his works will recognize the influences of literature and cinema, such as Joyce and Beckett, Hitchcock and Godard.
In Search of the German Diaries / Crystal Girls are the two main themes and materials on which the exhibition is organized Parallel. The absurd is the element that unites them.

inauguration of Saturday, March 5 at 18 the artist will be present to guide the audience on a journey littered with absurd and alienating literary and cinematic references. Students of the Academy of Guitar "Tamburini S." soundtracks the works and will be offered a delicious aperitif Portuguese.

The initiative is sponsored by the 'Instituto Camões .

Parallel: In Search of the German Diaries versus Crystal Girls
photographic installation at Centrum Sete Sois Sete Luas Pontedera
5 to 30 March 2011

NOÉ SendAs
The artist Noah SendAs Portuguese settled in Berlin for several years he studied at the AR.CO. in Lisbon, the Royal College of Arts in London, the Art Institute of Chicago and has created several residences including the largest in the Künstlerhaus Bethanien in Berlin. The creative process of SendAs is based on an intellectual artifice based on a combination of materials of different origin. In many of his works are recognizable influences from literature and cinema, but the underlying logic is not simply a logic of appropriation, but the definition of a new fatherhood. The quotations express or implied use various forms of expression: video, sculpture, sound, photography. These references become also part of an exploration of self-representation and investigation of the mechanisms of perception of the observer or the discursive potential of the methods of exposure.

Noah SendAs
Parallel - In Search of the German Diaries Versus Crystal Girls
Opening: Saturday, March 5, 18:00
Exhibition hours: daily (except Sundays and holidays) 16:00 to 20:00 hours Other hours by appointment Free admission

Centrum Sete Sois Sete Luas
Viale Rinaldo Piaggio, 82 (FS output side Piaggio)
Tel 090 493 0587 • fax 091 169 0587
Office Tourist Pontedera
tel. 0587 53354


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