On 20 November 1989 was approved by the General Assembly the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, even today, are part most countries of the Convention relative to the number of UN nations and from that moment on the same date became the World Day of the Child.
What What's more precious than the future of children around the world are?! Out of ten children, four born in extreme poverty, where violence, abuse and disease become the main threats to these young and fragile lives.
The Foundation is committed every day on this front, as evidenced by the numerous programs aimed at children, intended to improve the lives of thousands of children, often disabled, who have no access to basic health care is absolutely necessary for those who live a condition of physical or mental. Thanks to that commitment Ente Opera Don Orione was awarded the prestigious "Vision 2020 - Right to Vista, "founded in 2006 by CBM Italy Onlus, an international organization whose purpose is to implement programs and projects for prevention and treatment of physical and mental disabilities in developing countries.
The recognition is based on the international campaign "Vision 2020 - The right to sight" and aims to bring to the attention of citizens and media the action of public institutions, foundations, associations, who have distinguished themselves in development activities of adequate health infrastructure for prevention and treatment of avoidable blindness and visual disorders in the South, including projects on for people with various disabilities.
The award relates to the Don Orione Center Public Health in Côte d'Ivoire Bonoua, where the Foundation is concerned with enhancing access to basic health services to ensure the local population the right to health. In particular, during the renovation project of the Operating Theatre Department of Ophthalmology of the Centre towards the attainment of surgery for congenital or adventitious visual disturbances and take care over the next year of more than 10,000 patients.
Public Health Center was born as an institution for disabled people with walking problems, but in 1991 construction began on the construction of the ophthalmology department activated three years later, from 1994 to date have been performed about 5800 operations, especially operations for cataracts and corneal transplants, which have helped give the gift of sight to many people.
Given the enormous success and effectiveness of this structure led to the population, the Foundation has begun construction of a department of ophthalmology at the Center also disabled Uagadougou in Burkina Faso.
The focus of the Foundation continues to support populations of these countries in need and in addition to building new and useful structures, is also involved in the maintenance of existing ones; Bonoua Center was built thirty years ago and although it is still suitable for meet the needs of its hosts, would need a renovation. We trust in the generosity of all our friends and good sense of governments and institutions for the funds provided for these projects need to be brought forward.
We all have a unique opportunity to "donate" the view of someone who needs a cataract operation with a contribution: € 50 are sufficient to allow a child to see the colors of life!