This was one of the most beautiful mornings of the year ... From the classroom windows you could see the blue sky, the trees of the garden, all covered with buds, and the windows of the houses open, with boxes, and vases already green. The teacher laughed, but was in good spirits, and explained a problem on the blackboard, jokingly. And you could see he took pleasure to breathe the air of the garden that was to open windows, full of good fresh smell of earth and leaves, which resembled the walking campaign. As he explained, he felt in a street near a blacksmith pounding on the anvil, and face in the house of a woman singing the baby to sleep. Everyone seemed happy. At one when the blacksmith began to beat louder, the woman to sing higher. The teacher stopped and lent his ear. Then - he said slowly, looking for the window: The sky smiles, a mother who sings, a gentleman who works, the children who study here belle.Quando of the things we left the class, we saw that everyone else was allegri.lo I never felt so much happiness as this morning to see my mother waiting for me in the street. And I told him, by going to meet: I'm happy: what ever makes me so happy this morning? And my mother said with a smile that was the good weather and good conscience.
Edmondo De Amicis
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