Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Pressure Back Of Head & Pressure Around Eyes
I come from a small town, go to the stadium means to sit on the steps to watch a game where kids play on the field that is so broken that it seems a potato field!
watching games, we make jokes about the players, at times, Unfortunately, the brawl broke out ...
Football is not sick, are sick people who use it as an excuse to beat, assault, steal and destroy ...
I'm not a big fan, but I like football. In my family there are people who belong to the group of the notorious "Ultras" and they are decent people. I am very close to a guy who lost a finger on him because he threw a smoke bomb which then exploded, ultras are close to going only to support their team, are close to the boys who have been attacked just because they belonged another fan base.
This post is not intended as a cry in favor of the ultras, but as always it is necessary to make the obvious differences.
are the hardliners, those who commit crimes must be punished, but they are often punished the wrong people! I've heard: close the stadiums, football lights up the hearts and brawls and riots break out ... We are sure that it is the fault of football? If they closed the stadium and perhaps the league stopping the violence invade some other sport! There is need for sports education and especially severe punishment for violent expelled for life from stadiums and prosecuted!
I'm trying to arrange an interview with a group ultras to hear the bell and the other because the ultras "civilians" could help the police to stem the fringes "criminals." I hope to give voice to the fans or honest to succeed to understand what's wrong with the world of football!
How To Connect A Camera To A Telescope
the Roma language this term (the Roma or gypsies, Roma or Rroma plural) simply means "person," "human being". Sometimes we forget. Other times we are tempted to forget it. The lack of humanity of an individual has made all the ethnic victim of racism camps were set on fire, started punitive expeditions ...
It 's normal to blame those who look different from us, who do not live in a house of bricks "built with sacrifices, and those who live hand to mouth to mouth, but we must remember who we are: in the world until recently fa e per molti ancora adesso italiano=mafioso! Io non sono mafiosa, rifiuto questa etichetta ed è giusto non crearne altre.
Qual'è la strada da percorrere per una piena integrazione? Qual'è la soluzione per questa emergenza?
Non è possibile obbligare i nomadi ad una vita stabile, ma si può indirizzarli cedendo loro spazi e possibilità lavorative. Chi vive vicino a campi nomadi ha paura...anche io ne avrei e per questo penso che si sia creato un forte pregiudizio culturale nei confronti di queste etnie. Grazie al compito assegnatoci dal Professor Gentiloni di intervistare un immigrato ho scoperto che anche gli immigrati ucraini, polacchi e africani provano paura e disprezzo nei confronti dei nomadi.
Bisogna lavorare all'integrazione on both sides!
I was struck, long ago, a news report that talked about the political elimination or control of "social deviants" and foreigners also put into Helvetic government in respect in particular of the Roma.
service reported the words of a writer Jenische (a gypsy community) victim of the operation called "Enfants de la grand-route" a policy of forced settlement. Over nearly half a century, Switzerland Jenisches over six hundred children were forcibly removed from their families relief from the Opera "Enfants de la grand-route", which had a unique mandate: to eradicate nomadism. With this in mind, the children of people were traveling systematically taken from their parents and placed with foster families or in orphanages, even when they were imprisoned or interned in psychiatric hospitals.
In 1998 Ruth Dreyfuss, Federal Councillor of the Swiss Confederation President today declared publicly: "The conclusions of the historians leave no room for doubt: the Work of Rescue Enfants de la grand-route is a tragic example of discrimination and persecution of a minority who does not share the life pattern of the majority. "
It 'important to remember that we are all humans (and I do not remember that in this case is rhetorical)!
It 'important to remember the past for not commenting on the same mistakes. To close this
in the words of Mehr and the historical video on the gypsies in concentration camps, because we make people think before they shoot judgments against other "persons"
"They took me away from my mother shortly after my birth (... ) The first six months of life were spent in a pediatric center for the mentally retarded.'s where I first experienced the torture of a child psychiatric Jenische (...) When for the first time I asked my mentor, Dr. Siegfried Who were my parents told me (...) your mother is a whore, your father an asocial. And this, I've brought along for ten years. Until I understood the meaning of those words, my parents were Gypsies ".
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Using A Transverse Engine For Off Road Buggy
when I was little - but only in height, width because I already settled on the double square, such as double beds - the epidemic broke out of the drugged sweets.
the epidemic of drugged candies sold, if possible, on street corners and expressly outside the elementary schools. no kindergartens, middle or high school or the only primary school.
seems that someone had decided that the junkies had taken control of the confectionery market in order to invest in children and spend unimaginable amounts of its assets in the manufacture of well-chosen sciusciu filled with illegal substances.
indeed who did not know even then that the heroin sailing gold and quell'accattonare annoying that distinguishes them is really just an excuse to dispose of far from the watchful eyes of their loved ones.
when I was little history of the drugged sweets fell on the rest of my family as news of radiolondra during the war.
I never know who has put her around, but since then I have marked my life.
overnight mom and aunt pina instructed me, the little sisters and cousins \u200b\u200bnot to accept candy from the hands of unknown penalty poisoning doping substance, and of course death.
truth in the speech was not so linear, there was an assumption on the fact that the world was no longer the than once and we were spoiled for hyper children who never, when they were small, would have dreamed of eating sweets. them only the quince, which is seasoned with apple jam.
La. jam. Seasoned. Di. Apple.
to us instead of lego fructose liked bigbabol, bambinacci that we were not more vicious, and we were always there to eat in peace, my sister even more than achieving together so primacy the most powerful jaw of the west and a couple of extra corporeal experiences were caused by various asphyxiated intensity. this even when swallowed together with the flour bigbabol, but maybe part of chapter-I-last-minute talk about it again.
here: overnight, turning this item in each of our beloved pink cakes could be drugs, the same drugs that would eventually lead to addiction and death within a very short time and without us even knew of the children have become toxic.
even if in fact we had seen something curious drug already knew, namely that if ever we had decided we would take it immediately colored violet and all the street because we have recognized that in the meantime passed the air would spread the music of agonizing public service announcements on AIDS. quite the same eh and we all would have held up and deviating as we walked.
we do not like the music and did not like to think that we could mutate into unhappy people by the color of a bruise.
then just decide not to take drugs and they all lived happily ever thought we, working smarter and a little 'raised on the teaching of public service announcements.
but when your mother has never made a joint in his life despite being raised in the seventies, you are to say you're stuffing the sciusciu with drugs without even warn then everything changes because you can not do anything.
fear change.
terror becomes the friendly face of the tobacconist's elder brother or some friend of tea and you no longer know who to trust and who not to stop buying the cocacoline rubbery or elah Galatine liquorice or chocolate, only you must do it secretly, and look very well before putting them in the mouth; clear that the drug has a different color.
this story of the drugged sweets is a history of mistrust, that's what it is.
eighties between one thing and another over to lose the sense of elegance and discretion we have a little 'lost all innocence.
philanthropy drug dealers. Who would have ever expected all this desire to squander their fortunes with us kids, but apparently they did was good and who are watching their backs.
I do not have never forgotten this fact that behind every sciusciu can be hidden in a mou scoundrel.
spent in front of the tobacconist's foaming at the mouth bramante candy and all that I obtained was the administration of a proverb: "Trust is good not to trust is better." interval to see if the old stoned behind the counter was not then really a courier of the Medellin cartel.
not in any way that these experiences have affected my appetite which in recent times is out of control, however, did not leave me indifferent.
in fact I even tried to remove them - together unlikely to permanent and padded shoulders of my mother - but when I did I get into trouble.
to reply with the proverb parental another way to say the least among us who prefers younger I would say that it I learned that "when the devil caresses you want the soul" and that the seduction of memelle is very dangerous, even when it does not cover death by overdose.
actually drop me a packet of candies under the nose and I'll be yours forever, especially if in addition to peddle junk food under the table you purchase books and DVDs on the ants of science fiction.
fact if you, man guilty of making me spend two days sad and anxious, I will present brandishing a bag of flavored invitantissimi sciusciu E111 or E113, megatreccia not a padded or haribo a bucket of Haagen Dazs caramelandnuts that oozes from this soft, buttery board - yes, even the cartoon is buttery - which wraps tornotorno as I do not want to fall kidnapped at your feet?
you, man I hated until two minutes before the sucrose and the preservative will be made manifest in our hands, know that you are no less subversive of the establishment I pedophile who inhabited the nightmares of my mother.
because, let's face it, as it resists a dealer with an excellent command of Italian sweets?
even that is dangerous and hypoglycemic damage.
other than diabetes, here you run other risks.
here we run the risk of becoming addicted and even grateful.
dependent on sweetness.
nothing but nose wooden heart of tin. other than the land of donkeys. here wick he will throw us into the sea with all the clothes because of a pack of gummy candies to Coke and if a relative takes a chance again and hunt waistcoat and trousers with leggings and do grilloparlante of this hell I'll show him the whale's belly.
told him to turn his face from strangers who pay formal and memelle are his: a candy led to another and you're in the vortex of the rotation and hot chocolate drinks and travel and houses with gardens.
and all because I love to talk to strangers.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Ap Biology Lab Cell Respiration
Another school, yet the hand of a boy who kills his peers, once again, the web is the helpless witness the announcement of a massacre.
In Finland, the calm, cool and peaceful land of reindeer, a lad of just eighteen, during a lesson, pulled out a gun and shot him: he killed seven companions, the principal and then killed himself.
The memory can not go back to last April 16 when, in a manner strikingly similar to that of yesterday, there was the massacre at Virginia Tech, or you think back to the Columbine massacre or Erfurt. The author of
massacre was published on YouTube, just before the massacre, a video entitled "Jokela High Scholl''Massacre''announced where the crime allegedly committed. In his blog, writes that he is''ready to die for the cause'', ie 'the elimination of''all those who consider it unworthy of the human race.''
on the internet, you tube, one of the most visited sites in the world, has announced the terrible future of 8 poor victims of the madness of a esaltato.Ora luckily the video has been removed but the question is obvious: this could be stopped?
This unfortunately confirms what I wrote about the "broadcast yourself": the fact that just post a video on you tube does not mean that le immagini saranno viste... il più delle volte le immagini scorrono via e non sono prese in considerazione.
Friday, October 26, 2007
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oggi nono ho fatto in tempo a venire a lezione dopo la consegna della tesina... sono ancora in facoltà alla sapienza e "partecipo" alla lezione da qui aspettando che gli autobus in "mezzo-sciopero" mi portino a casa...Sorry!
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Spulciando you tube alla ricerca di un video di informazione locale mi sono imbattuta in una piccola inchiesta condotta da ragazzi del quartiere di San Donato a Bologna; il problema principale è la casa e la mia scelta è ricaduta su questo video prprio per la tematica che affronta: sono una studentessa fuori sede e so cosa vuol dire cercare casa in affitto, often 'black' and esorbitnanti prices, not to mention the costs of purchase.
not fully agree with cutting-edge jobs of this investigation, but it is important to talk about this issue and the conclusions can not be argued sicuramante: THE HOUSE 'RIGHT!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Why Pay Tax On Used Boat
Asked by Prof Liguori propose a video I decided to post the movie that shocked me more: these images are terrible, and open up the wound of racism in Europe, where its we often think of having "defeated".
addition to these images before we ask for the umpteenth time, "because the author of the video helped the girl attacked? ", maybe a few frames and the fear of being involved is worth more than the dignity of people?
Narrow Shower Curtain
Internet was considered the most innovative means of communication after the writing it is certainly true that the electronic revolution and the possibilities offered by new technologies have changed the world of so many people but we never asked Qanta are these people? The problem of the digital divide is thorny and still unresolved: unable to use the pc , you tube internet and e-mail is, or soon will be, considered to be illiterate and comparable people who have no idea which button to push to turn on a computer or believe that the mouse is a mouse "that sucks, but only fear" are many in Italy and worldwide.
If we think that end up on the Internet means access to a global dimension in my opinion completely wrong: my nice video, post, etc. on the site of important cultural festival of drama Old Joy will affect only a few people who liked the theater, which are on vacation or live in PNALM.
An example can be self-explanatory of what I mean: one year ago, bird flu hysteria in full (by the way but now the chickens do not die anymore?) On a blog of boys appeared pescasserolesi the news that a dead chicken had been found on the doorstep of City Hall. The "news" of what to Pescasseroli has spread quickly by word of mouth, but has not climbed the steps of the devil which connects the village of Abruzzo with the world. Qalche next day but the news has been launched by TGR Abruzzo and surrounding countries all wondered if the bird flu had also reached the national park. The news spread because the TV has spread!
Regarding the reflections of Alexander Consalvi I think it's normal to try to get information as clean as possible, without distorting frame, but any news will be transmitted in a frame cmq unless we are the eyewitnesses of the event . It 'nice to see on the web sometimes genuine and deserving materal journalism, but there are also "raw materials" that can not even draw attention to the topic dealing with the merits. Why? Why is necessasrio able to arouse interest, to overcome the language problem, how to cut the right snapshot, and when necessary to perform a minimum of censorship.
The video that I propose is a cat who plays ... is because the web is already full of shocking footage of kids who glorify war, and instead of terrible deeds is emphasized by the TV (assuming the video with the pieces of the American news) to a cat considered a star-You tube! Is it any thought.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Ap Biology Lab 5 Question 12
The exhibition "Canova and the Venus Victrix," strongly desired to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Canova's sculpture of Pauline Bonaparte, exhibited in the prestigious Borghese Museum in Rome fifty works of the master of neoclassicism.
It 'an opportunity to visit one of the finest museums full of Italian Baroque and neo-classical sculptures and at the same time to admire works from collections around the world: the Venus Italica (Palatine Gallery - Florence), the Three Graces (Ermitage St. Petersburg), the Naiad (Metropolitan Museum, New York), Sleeping Nymph (Victoria & Albert Museum in London) Cupid and Psyche (Louvre, Paris.
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Last night, after the lecture in multimedia publishing, I went to my appointment with the film club and find it interesting to expand the discussion of the film on this blog.
The films chosen by a vote (actually undemocratic because the people who count the votes were added to their preferences after reading all the other ones) was "Letters from Iwo Jima" tells the decisive battle of 1944 for conquest of Iwo Jima through the eyes of the enemy: the Japanese.
The title of the thread is due to the fact that a few decades after the war have been found letters never sent soldiers Japanese avevavno which poured their fears, their feelings, their views on the war uncensored inevitable censorship of war. " The thread is a bit 'slow and too long (142 minutes), if you want to find out what was the war for bakers, waiters, even to the generals and commanders of the Japanese picture, this is a must .
Eastwood was able to understand and without too many reviews ostrare Japanese culture, the sense of honor, sense of duty.
The only negative that I would highlight is this: the movie almost seems that the only coandanti Nipponese with common sense are those who have had the opportunity to live in USA and know the American culture.
What Color Sofa With Dark Brown Hardwood Floors
Images of violence in Myanmar have been around the world thanks to the possibilities offered by new technologies and despite the strict censorship of the military junta.
We are amazed that after they learned of the violence suffered by many innocent victims, including Buddhist monks who led the protest, the UN's actions against Burma have been so bland.
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With these adjectives the philosopher Benedetto Croce called the people of my land ... I am just so, as the soft, green mountains of Abruzzo! Unfortunately recently
some people have not proved neither strong nor kind: 4 PNALM bears have been cowardly and poisoned the entire hour Marsicano brown bear species threatened with extinction.
How can you do something so mean against such a noble creature?!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Bollinger Champagne Umbrellas
I thought just last night around during one of those five marathons in which I foolishly commitment to combat the physiological needs and the needs of the spirit of provoking experiences insomnia at the limit of endurance.
rastiki is a genius, I say.
she is a little person more devoted to others' approval of mariagoretti, most of all the Sisters of the Red Cross and war movies, mamy more of the various novels, more than any lady-love and Mother Teresa of Calcutta; patchadams beats. really.
rastiki this because not only is the sign of Libra which alone cry out for balance and cosmic harmony but also because it is India which adds a touch of necessary zeal and dedication that makes his crusade for the good of others amounted to a kind of self-inflicted slavery. in the sense that then she could never whip when the task of bringing happiness in homes that house.
is not that she would stand bread of mouth for you: she directly challenge platoons of creatures to steal food and sanitation delivery after rodent control in a wicker basket by her carefully braided while his family suffers the most severe famine, and she herself is on the brink of death malnutrition.
rastiki is so short: thought and action all for you, always.
but this thing I have ever known. but that which I grant tonight and probed with haunted eyes of the dark corners of my room hoping to stun the boredom is that peculiarities of rastiki lies in its offer moral support made of are brilliant.
there are people who just pities you not?, Eh, but she interacts showing a quick wit and an overview for which Marzullo and lucarelli you amputate a limb on the spot I tell you.
fact after undergoing meekly to endless hours of soliloquy you daily delivers them through all means of communication available (except for the time that the fax is broken) you can recover from torpor that have brought in less than three seconds and provide invaluable insights on your torment in the form of references to film, folklore, literary and comic able to tear you to delusions egomaniacali promptly sank back in which remembering that, in short, is not that the dicks you dance to the brains we have them only you own. ie to all in the same miserable conditions and there is someone who also made money with this thing.
you use one-tenth of your day only to find the words to explain and rastiki will not condense everything into a parable, not a joke but a single image, shared by most because they belong to the collective, capable of offer an alternative reading is also a solution to your problem papabile proto bulimic as a teenager.
she has the gift of synthesis and the essential to the clarity and this what makes it exciting because the woman is.
were a little less blasphemous light a few candles to the Virgin for having placed in my way disaster because without his sense of humor and talent this exceptional reference metatextual a person I would totally alienated.
but what is the latest ingenious idea of \u200b\u200brastiki? Having said that churns out at least once a day as the loaves of rescigno, the one that made me company last night during the marathon of the above concerns the calendar.
debate on the question of the will to power of capitoni which I have been keen to bring a small part in the previous post, I rastiki pointed out that in the advent calendar Christmas spirit also wants its share.
to that story we did the primary by the nuns, but where were his examples of virtue and my ruthless evil as well as manifestly sinful behavior, we have a very intense relationship with the religious holidays. Christmas for me as I wish it were tomorrow, that just can not wait.
here and yes indeed, that is, in fact even in the sense that no native of the most beautiful thing is the wait. all I count the days remain before diving into the soup of mussels and beans for example is too good, that feeling that overwhelms you from day sangennaro that from that moment on, every legume that will gradually swallow even mussels and toasted croutons.
eh. So to ease the wait someone has invented this advent calendar that I have always thought it was like something only Italian until I got a filling is something of a thousand goodness directly from Denmark, auks, but I told myself you see globalization and then I grant that the Scandinavian paganism was defeated nine hundred years ago and they are no less of us Christians but I defy any Teutonic matron relics blessed to hide bra as does my grandmother. ok, but: When in Rome ...
advent calendar for the unwary who do not yet know it is such a rectangle of cardboard divided into two quite a bit of numbered boxes that correspond to a certain number of days in the last twenty-five is in December. every day for a month, a window opens and the window is a gift: treats or toys, is irrelevant.
my advent calendar chocolate Danish overflowed in direct proportion to the quantity of saliva produced by salivary my system as soon as I opened the first box.
understand the joy.
too was also very nice to see because instead of having the usual sad ox and donkey drawn upon it had a rather famigliacuore Danish children and adults blond, beautiful and sorridentissimi that made me doubt even more the fact that we and they can share something besides the same location with respect to the meridian of Greenwich.
since rastiki told me about it I am convinced that the advent calendar is one of the world are more appropriate and why? why play on waiting.
in fact this is another case of postponing the pleasure that is the same mechanism of the preliminaries or movie trailers: prepares you for the supreme moment offering a variety of fun and intriguing previews that will increase the desire until then you're forced to take matters in hand - so to speak - to buy the ticket and get in line number one with fans outside the cinema on the day of premiere. unless you decides that it is better to die of want. like the protagonist of the game of cadaveric gerald for example.
as usual it's a matter of time to be able to give a rhythm to things or to comply with the rhythms has the advent of a world at his feet, in this case the man who manufactures the calendars that you know come back next year from him, and everyone expected the surprise hidden behind the window of tomorrow.
know: bring surprises like chocolate Danish dependency, however.
you that unfortunately your man is reminded of that today and we will celebrate some mesiversario be present at dinner with a complement of sciccosissimo Yamamay: how can you resist the urge to serialize the event and expect each month in underwear this day?
a badly you get used to the surprises that even when in the calendar window rather than the casual confetti bigusto find a keychain shaped brass rabbit willingly tolerate you because you know that between Less than a month and Christmas comes down to give us the best gifts.
the fact that at Christmas you always worn a statute is irrefutable because it is based on a mathematical criterion that is the law of large numbers: the gifts are so many that at least a couple will be saved, love it. and so at Christmas we're all happy: the wait was well worth a mass market and the calendar is more than ever fed.
I want to stress that I firmly believe in the policy adventitia and that few things are as eye-catching calendars, Christmas, foreplay, the movie trailers and back covers with everything unfolding of worlds unknown carried by most but I must also alert the public that - alas - there timburton. timburton and gave birth to nightmare before christmas. and Nightmare Before Christmas and, by the will of production, a nightmare on Christmas.
not express opinions on why I've also seen too many years ago to remember anything beyond the fact that the protagonist is already dead, but I must serve as a reminder to adults and children that sometimes our expectations can be very, very misplaced.
never god my cousins \u200b\u200bdid not find anything nice box behind the twenty-five December: I cry heart like few times in my life - except when I read zymmer marion bradley. but these fatal events are commonplace and we can not ignore hidden under ounces and ounces of transalpine delicacies.
who says that the Danish sweets quell'appetitoso we eagerly discarded to December 19 is not damaged or that the man then we expect to be fantastic from day one answer is in the midst of all his mental faculties?
is the misfortune of waiting at the end may prove a disappointment or worse still, a skeleton war surplus of something that was and is no more.
timburton me is that because the balls to mica more.
ok, meanwhile I've got the calendar to me three months ago. I thought that with the growth of GDP and the fact that the Istat basket and FMCG stocks would run out early. better to be sighted, I said at the time of beach parties.
it is already quite a few boxes and windows that open wide to receive them surprises, magnetic surprises, but after ninety days I almost gave up and shook hands with this ChristmasHamper meanwhile my love handles have tended more pleasant for any of the newly appointed assistant illustrious beniere Christmas wish come forward.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
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's raining and sadness is with me.
seems that the season is over and even the time of the apples.
I have opened the autumn with the usual flooding of the terrace will soon ruin the head to the garages that live in the crevices of the building as the mice in Cinderella, but far less laborious, however, we are in Naples, and home I went back to the cemetery to look like fountains.
However since we are approaching the winter and I am a sighted person I woke up this morning with one thought in mind: the eel.
sure there are still three months to Christmas but if you do me the pleasure of dropping hints battutoni goliardic and a restaurant, but I would like to dissect this issue, which has its own because, and not trivial.
the eel is a strange and in my opinion too tricky.
the eel [*] field a healthy year in the grace of God immersed in fresh water than he pleases, roam between pounds and pounds of rubbish as they see fit until they arrive home and her life changes from such a case, as hurley after winning the lottery. that change for the worse. Whoever follows lost know!
occurred because the month of December, all of those who decide to befriend the eel because the eel is the star of the religious holidays. levateci all, more or less, except playstation, struffoli and eel.
December 24 for the eel is just a disaster since they invariably end up in the pan, cooked and gobbled up. his fate is like that of poor mr. jingle of the Green Mile : innocent little mouse which also makes a bad end to his human master below electrocuted in the electric chair.
then the eel has a life expectancy rather low and this thing should somehow pity. and surely it will do: I am sure that tens of vegans have already chained to the benches of the fishmongers brandishing menacing bundles of artichokes - those are sharp: hurt - unaware that the Pescaiola Neapolitans do not look even at the white shark and finance let alone the claque of these anorexic Red Cross on Sunday. leave them the prize bontà2007 capitoni because so often these are not worth to me.
of capitoni I do not think so well. This is because beings are smart and tend to be slippery and very pleasing to the eye. actually do not even understand how to please. In fact I have not ever eaten one.
is like the history of escargot in pretty woman, why complicate life by interacting with the sociable creatures so little when there are pizzas to book?! will also be tradition, or the prospect of a good thing abbuscarsi of money doing virtually nothing as Vivian in the movie, but I think that the eel is a double edged sword. even hand weapon.
because it is true that man is distinguished from animals for intelligence, but it is also true that the animal takes a considerable cazzimma ** and before eating makes you let go of the worst trouble. and the eel with his slippery and athletic constitution is objectively a problem.
the eel is a disaster at home and Eduardo De Filippo in his infinite wisdom knew so much so that Pupella then leaves the kitchen with the patches on the forehead when they bang your head against the shelf trying to retrieve a eel that had escaped from the pot.
universe there is a place for everyone, and their is on the bottom of a pot of boiling water and in the belly of a large Neapolitan hungry then. there are those who become Miss Italy, who makes the robbery, who ends up in a mental hospital and who is destined to be destroyed by the merciless jaws of a voracious Naples.
why look for a way out there?
capitoni around the world repeat with me: when I touch I touch.
[*] L ' European eel (Anguilla anguilla , Linnaeus 1758) is a teleost fish of the family Anguillidae . It has an elongated body, subcylindrical, snake, and the dorsal fin of moderate height is stretched up to join the caudal and anal fins.
Description: has a very thick skin, dark green on the back and lighter on the chest, can achieve 3 kg in weight.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Toyota Sport Suspension Versus Off-road
my religion teacher in high school had two Key features more than that of having taken a degree in theology which alone already just as if human-to-board ...
... anyway.
its characteristics were as follows:
1. a deadly breath
2. obsession with childhood stolen from African
prof. did not even lesson-is taken seriously, yes. - Before they did circulate among the desks of several photographs of boys and girls she raised by the misfortunes of malnutrition, ignorance and tropical diseases.
not any of them had never left the mud huts, or intended to do, but it seems that they all had learned to read and write, for whenever you need to prepare a statement for the MEND to fly with wings then also comes in handy.
yes she was a missionary of the worst kind. all good deeds and good intentions. propaganda was appealing to the turgidity of our portfolios - capiamoci: I did the high school classic vomevo, prof. knew how much pecuniary circulated to those corridors - and in fact wished with all his might participating in this crusade of the golden heart of Crispus.
I - of course - I was in the front row.
sponsorships in all ways. needy children like rain.
the nurse of the year.
I could not wait that came earlier this month to receive the photo of my adopted child impaled on a pile of books checked with five or six pencils on your hands and the new apron, but barefoot. satisfaction to see him surrounded by all that stationery can not be explained.
or hugged the child to the bucket water - cold water - like stuffed animals.
I was very proud to help others. went on for some time, but not too much. at some point I lost along the way: I stopped doing indulgence and buy heaven with money unicef, I uninterested in world hunger, and I came back to take care only of my personal and insatiable hunger for clothes and shoes zebra.
but deep down I never ceased to be a bit 'on the fate of the less fortunate.
recently then this incipient desire for motherhood is a whole want me to take care of others.
the other day I had the 'epiphany of sponsorships while I was brushing my teeth and pondered on the reasons that lie behind my passion to degenerate and go unpunished. at the end whether you are an African band in Pozzuoli problems or what's the difference?
way they both need help: one to live with the deadly diseases and the neo-imperialist robbery and the other to coordinate a polygamous relationship. I will not discriminate against anyone. In fact, give me someone to save me and I will.
though, however, tend to from the next closest to me actually, just geographically speaking.
take terence who live here do not. here: he needs me, I know.
how else to explain the anxiety that has seized when he was informed of a curse, and another, I had no intention to continue to give me appointments call you crazy ghost or five in the morning? I tried to be tough, but the man was suffering from stage fright and I was brought out of breath at the door asking for another chance.
the social worker in me has not could not resist even though I had boasted just two days before his resignation from the committee-and cleft-content of which I am an honorary member.
I figured the poor man abandoned by his family and friends, a prey to loneliness and paranoia, perhaps to escape the debauchery of the rolling pin so the legitimate wife.
I could not leave him.
basically I know he has bigger problems: his woman destroyed by jealousy, the destroy the double liability, the manifestation of beauty and purity that is planted in front of all the holy days I get bored with everything THAT ' array of shiny, flowing hair, eyes and smile bambi styla Durbans.
but the latter only when the 'dental apparatus of jennifer connelly Noantri he's not grinding in the presence of other women.
(rumored to be a Doberman. I believe it.)
short, yes, indeed the life of the case that I have adopted is very difficult. and he asked me to please not leave him alone to face a life sacrificed so much. divide between sport, women and work ridiculously hard. in fact we read it to him at that stupid smile on his face that at all hours of day and night.
had not behind these and many years of experience with sociopaths almost suspect that its almost a grin of satisfaction but also to think of it can not be that way.
terence if it were an evil genius he would like the sad character nontimuovere, ie the adulterer average which feeds the company of two women. overlook the fact that one of them is a gypsy exhausted, the comparisons here are thrown ...
if Terence was like sergiocastellitto would know how to do, it's not the most difficult in the world. those of us there past? I do and just when I juggled between a man and a man Pitbul angel.
and instead it seems to him suffering from a mental disability to a level that seems different from the average to serious depending on the day, this story is a company to handle two relationships lost cause.
you put a good pace to draw up battle plans of all types because he just did not want to give it to me, but in the end, looks a bit ', can never make a success of his projects. and then what does? lacking the time to see him call me. two to six times a day. call me from home, mobile phone, calling me during work breaks, then when off from work, calling me night and day, for lunch, dinner and breakfast.
at this point I wonder if his girlfriend is suffering from chronic otitis.
are in effect its helpline in other words. but then not included in the list of non-profit organizations.
say that I tend to take care of a few cases at a time. but good.
in all this there remain a bit 'as un'allocca because I'm waiting for two months that I be awarded the Knight's Cross of Labour and the Ministry of Interior no news.
while this boy is a beautiful cross to bear.
sometimes you do not just tolerate. Now in addition to requiring a clear line around the clock also means that I will make him gifts. flowers, cakes, gadgets do not feel neglected.
but I say we are crazy!?
least the African children were grateful and humble and certainly not betrayed me with other benefactors!
I think the problem is all anonymous. plots in secret when it is much easier. you manage your time as you like and if it will always be grateful avergliene devoted to some '. however, when one knows where and how to come and then believe they are trying to make him help you. and this is not good.
the end because I have always estimated that Daddy Long Legs without saying anything to anyone who has worn a Nennella until the day before to marry him he knew only that he was generous and was broken in Patan.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
6 Inch Reflectors Telescopes
My little Pavarotti
This picture has been hanged on my bedroom wall for already 9 years..
It was 1998 when a couple of journalists friend of mine took me with them to interview Pavarotti in his glorious suite in Hotel Vesuvio in Naples.
The place itself was inspiring: Pavarotti lodged in the same suite where the great tenor Enrico Caruso died in 1921.
The suite had many rooms, included an office where a black haired secretary was working very hard taking orders from Nicoletta Mantovani..
The first thing that surprised me was finding in the corridor, just in front of the suite door, an entire huge Parma ham ready to be sliced….
We had the interview in the sitting room around a large table, where Pavarotti was waiting for us.
In this room there were two big refrigerators, one next to the other, and I was told that one of them was just used for sparkling water!!
Pavarotti was a strong fizzy water drinker, and even on stage he used to hide water everywhere…for that reason one of his favorite role was Nemorino in Donizetti’s Elisir d’amore, because the character is supposed to drink all the time a love potion..
Pavarotti looked tired but he was extremely kind and many times during the interview invited me to taste one of the mini Neapolitan pastries that where on the table saying: “Signorina, s’accomodi!”
Those pastries where little indeed but he was allowed to eat just the eight part of each, so he said.
The interview touched many themes, but the one I remember was about the Verdi’s Otello he had recently recorded. He pointed out that one of the thing that makes Otello so obsessed by jealousy is the considerable age difference between him and Desdemona. This particular aspect so evident in Shakespeare is quite hidden in Verdi and just comes out in a brief line during the quartet of the 2nd act.
This observation showed a kind of autobiographic sensitivity that made this big man look very fragile to my eyes.
Nicoletta was coming back and forward in the sitting room in a very elegant dress, but barefooted and with an ugly posture.
Pavarotti confessed that they used to sing love duet (mainly from Tosca) together in their privacy, and to the question if she had a beautiful voice he answered with an enthusiastic exclamation that I had never heard before: MADONDIO!!!
This extraordinary man died one week ago.
I’m really proud of Italian Government for tributing him such a magnificent state funeral, the entire function was broadcasted in real time by Rai 1, top politician and TV stars were there and our Premier Romano Prodi gave a beautiful speech.
But the most sincere sign came from the crowd outside the church, thousands of unknown people that wanted to surround him for the last time with their love and admiration.
He really deserved all this.
In the ’90 when I was telling my nationality to foreigners their most frequent answer was : Ah, Pavarotti!
That was because he was a symbol of our country, just like the Coliseum, and he had that power not being a sex symbol, that nowadays seems the only way to succeed, but just thank to his generous soul expressed trough a wonderful and unique instrument, that he always considered with extreme humility a gift from heaven.
Grateful to God for his gift he wanted to use it to help other people like unfortunate war children or even young music talent by giving them free singing lessons.
I was in the dressing rooms in Rome’s Opera Theatre just before he went on stage to sing the centennial of Tosca and I saw him holding somebody’s hand and saying:” Pray for me!”
Wasn’t he an humble man?
Thank to the recordings his art will last forever, but forever we’ve lost his big and generous heart.
Snowmobile Salvage Yards
Family meeting..
Finally after 5 years I was able to spend some time with the english branch of my family.
It was amazing to have all those Hubbards around me and realize that the kids are now almost the double the size I remembered.
I'm afraid I am the shorter girl in the family right now...even comparing to the youngest (adorable little 14 years old Ella Florence).
I'm so gratefull to Wendy for letting us stay in her nice apartment in Chelsea!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Wow Hd Receivers Hdmi
my grandmother is a woman from another time, could not be otherwise ed'altronde because the voices that run for my hallway, the mothers who spoke on the phone with relatives - none of whom knows the true age of the venerable old lady, but young people - say they have eighty-four.
mo, when she presents here the first thing he says is the world coming to an end.
prophecy by preceding the Magnificat accompanied by a mandatory sign of the cross, Grandma says that when she was young things did not happen that happen now and she is made aware of him weekly probes that is the editor of vitavera .
when she was young mothers do not bleach their offspring in a washing machine, for example.
in those occasions in which the world than all its limitations, an event that occurred when amadeus has deserted the national network to channel five, grandmother kneeling invokes the message of the Virgin of Medjugorje and launches into sermons from millenarian to resuscitate Natuzza evolved.
I've always had a little 'fear of this deadly his vein - Beelzebub Represents often in the guise of a monkey (perhaps her grandmother read Stephen King) - and even more afraid the bushy mustache of Natuzzi, but thanks to the group of friends play-the-metal-Scandinavian I overcome this and then I can now approach the subject without fear.
then it seems that approaching Judgement Day, some say it all, including the group listening to George W. (Friends-of-the-bottle) and I must admit that I saw which has the long-grandmother.
years and years ago, when all of us sinners still unaware gloated in fun activities and slippery - the good old days of marathon night on regional channels and do not - my grandmother emilia addivinava already firestorms, Smerz crosses, animals speakers, Babylon in flames - citing peter tosh - rivers of tears etc etc etc.
held this diligence and reliability I now feel that they felt the most reliable source as the second coming of the son and the rest of the family, and so pompous as they are in the pit of sin, I thought that it is lawful I also tell my about Armageddon.
in the first place I thought Urga a dusting of the Bible.
preachers Americans also remain an aberration of Christianity nostrosignore say the lost sheep who would not want to see return to the fold, especially wearing a Hawaiian shirt, but they are right about one thing: you have to read the sacred texts.
cronacavera and also adds grandmother.
so I recorded starting with the history of the ten plagues of Egypt.
these punishments are ten plagues that God Almighty in His infinite mercy has inflicted on the Egyptian people because of some sin that escapes me at the time and apparently have already checked all of them. then we we should be in place but no, trusted sources, including my grandmother, believe that the wounds are again plaguing humanity.
I've thought, I think it's true.
starting with the fact that when three thousand years ago the water of Egypt has turned to blood, the Neapolitans had not yet developed the concept of organized crime but who have now recovered well verify with confidence that when you do not organic matter is our water is still flavored with unhealthy substances such as uranium.
but that has not wiped out as it has in fact cut off the Egyptians who have suffered the invasion of frogs. here, again we are not less because now we suffer from a surplus of Ukrainian women to regard what I have to open a parenthesis and lament their predilection for older men, as well as dyes expired, and the straps denim jackets with the svaroski I bump and not a little. Well I will consider myself a plague, because they threaten our coronary Granny with offers of unbridled sex, and those of their heirs who steal with impunity entire fortune in € with promises of devotion and fidelity. for me the great-grandmother must remain untouched, and so few live more year, although a little 'less happy, but these unscrupulous women seek in every way to bribe them by implementing the worst obscenities too performative wearing, marylin Noantri, drops on drops of the equivalent eastern European Surf shampagna .
though now that the borders have been opened we are all more tolerant and I return to business as the evils of the world past and present before I withdraw the citizenship.
So we still have a rain of fire, a plague of flies, the memory of livestock, hail, and grasshoppers.
now what do I know when rain from the sky and just set them this proof of the fact that our faces are all decorated with the August assembly of nice horns larger or smaller depending on the preparation of all our affected 'adultery.
the proposition concerning the invasion of flies is rather inferable. Unfortunately, my experience leads me to Naples to associate the image of the twin-hull sunglasses fredastaire that young people of these parts like to wear on Friday nights ed'altronde if we stick to the vague wording of most wild animals that also appears in some texts will we have good reason that the Neapolitan dancers something savage well have it.
incaloriti exuberant and foals that are nothing, and even annoying and hungry as locusts, then we are. try going to Via Manzoni five o'clock on a Saturday morning and ask for a croissant, you see the face of the bar bead of sweat and heart-rending cries rising from the kitchens after overnight armies of hungry rogues there have been looting stores that would also eradicated the problem of hunger in Mali.
also the memory of livestock refers to how many cows like me who fall prey to a hypoglycaemia are just above the deli for a pass and be witnesses of the fury that has preceded them insatiable.
in the top three of the wounds instead meet:
skin disease struck the Egyptian people
the dark surrounded by all of Egypt for three days in a row.
killed all the firstborn, including the son of Pharaoh
here think that maybe these are lacking, unless they freely interpret the skin disease herpes. in which case what I've got. I feel he is breaking on me lip, punctual as death.
and why? pointless question: is the manifestation of my nervous breakdown.
yes because I am officially exhausted. these four months as I had never come along every row.
today I threw in the towel: my nerves have hoisted the white flag and I risked drowning in a valley of tears.
that this is the darkness that my grandmother is waiting anxiously with a rosary in his hand?
you because you know when you say that most black of midnight can not come? eh, I want to be introduced to the person who put about this item, submit and then hit my compliments, very politely, a couple of slaps.
after midnight can always get an eclipse of the sun, nuclear winter, the explosion of a supernova, a black hole or the fifth dimension. why make it so easy just because nine times out of ten after midnight then comes the sun?
for example, that loves me, he is immediately taken care to show me the very existence of these variables and how far-fetched? by playing musical chairs. that would be me, him, the key ring and a supposedly random but still the third concubine who jumped out during the conversation.
I said okay that both he and Mica is like the man of the year, is not he "is one way," "I have too many things to think about" then ours is a "potentially hazardous situation perfect ".
maria callas me a blowjob, and also all the friends of mariadefilippi who dream of becoming an actress.
was masterful interpretation, so likely that at some point I started I believe it and I told myself that at least are not horned.
but that is yet to be seen.
shame that today I am a person destroyed with two swollen eyes that look like a frog.
yet remarkably paranoid as to compete with not one but two women in crisis, I would send a little 'anyone.
so I wonder if after a few hundred centuries is not the case for updating the list of plagues and that would add an eleventh Then the masculine gender in its entirety (except jump and d.).
while I think I am in possession of popcorn, coke and clinex.
from my privileged position on Mount Ararat, where we make it we victims of Armageddon I shoot a dramatic feature film after another whimper, and glancing at that grim 'autism of my phone, which ultimately is more than ever affected by silence.
then no, if the eleventh plague of Egypt has affected you, and semilasciticancello thenotebook are not the answer. the sheet may not be enough. believe me.
then give them the benefit of the doubt to your parents and rubategli Sudoku from the bedside table. He will help you.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Hand Held Noodle Cutter
today I would like to strike a blow for all those engaged in anxious and depressed due to the fact that girls have of their male friends.
now I understand you and compassion, good and innocent victims of bad faith by helplessly to the ballet of seduction that takes place among your companions and friends of the heart. I understand and sympathize with suspicion and envy towards those who cherish omnipresent and all-seeing individuals who are more talented, more honest and more understanding of you.
I want to say, unfortunate boyfriends, I know what you are trying.
friends - males-are an attack on married life but also are fictional characters but real.
they do not exist, are nothing but the projection of its sexual fantasies and those of your women and self-centered monomaniac.
applying un'irreprensibile policy advice well chosen, good humor and modesty, friends of the heart are imagined bin laden feeling.
therefore enjoined the few surviving naive still believe in fidelity and monogamy to wake up and gallop.
guys open your eyes! this friendship not to be done.
the time of the carousel are beautiful and past: while you gag with laughter in your calimero Girl, most likely, is solace with his best friend.
and is said to be in a bed.
indigestible also host the curtain in the closet belongs to prehistoric times, it is much easier than the betrayal to happen before your eyes and disguise.
is good to specify one thing: try to go beyond the muzzle of the shotgun that we keep under the bed as a precaution, and remember that infidelity is not necessarily physical infidelity. the particular case of the imaginary friends of the heart purely sexual element is indeed a factor side and believe me, there will come a time where you want between your woman and her boyfriend intrusive exists only attraction. there freely after a trumpet sound rather than syrup in many different ways for years and years to come.
unfortunately is not the antagonism on the horizontal plane of the surface to be trivial copula but on much more rough and irregular, the mind of your woman who does not know and do not want to miss this guy who is voted in by you head to toe, with all that passes in between.
know that friends of the heart do not exist.
you suspicious boyfriends, you are absolutely right.
if a man and a woman engage in a report including the hello how are you, there is something behind. or if it is still there, and soon there will more often than not take on the appearance of an engagement.
let pray to find a male friend is one of the unresolved challenges of the female gender.
desire that I convey to genie and / or the proverbial shooting star.
baby jesus do become mothers, fathers, sisters and me to find a male friend with whom to establish a healthy relationship and asexual.
the point is this: the imaginary friends know the content of the prayers of women and dress up as lust incarnate, like the archangel Gabriel. and women, who are expected to fall as we all alicenelpaesedellemeraviglie cooked pears.
now: since I started this crusade hermeneutics today I have to get to grips with the age-old question of friendship between the sexes, are years that I think.
based on statistical projections I do understand that the imaginary friend of the heart is a little 'how to practice the profession and we will make available to the community and receiving services by dispensing fees rather salati.e also goes without saying that like all the professions, the friendship of the heart is an imaginary lobby almost completely male.
supply on the market is one to ten: for every ten males who offer themselves as best friends is a woman who mysteriously self-imposed exile and the circle of friends and friendship to conquer the other half of the sky.
in this clash of opposing worlds, and reiterate opposites, good faith is a strategy of self-defense, an excuse and a certain point on a real joke.
who want it to be really interested in the physiological problems of a woman when another woman is not aware of what it means to suffer from abdominal cramps in those days ? who could never come to mind to go shopping together? who would submit to endless sessions of hairdressing, hydrotherapy, aromatherapy, manicure, pedicure, Thai massage, and stalking, jealous, hysterical breakdowns and neuropsychiatric pure and simple self-denial? probably just my mother and a few other pious women.
therefore, to bend that far, the good faith of these little men should be equal to that of the wolf of Little Red Riding Hood.
I are an example of more than eloquent.
being always the rain man of the situation - read: black sheep with autism and asociality trends - the fact of having the male best friend I've always liked a lot.
yes: I am part of that 10% of women who have exiled himself from girlfriends to chase the white rabbit, continuing with the metaphor of Alice in Wonderland. my experiences are fairly colorful and disastrous, as I still do not feel like a heart to tell here because in a few cases have been the most harrowing of a divorce and I still have not stopped mourning close the loss of some fantastic examples of best friend.
confirming the fact that this story of male best friend is an urban legend that I found the samples proved to all of the criminals.
confirming the fact that I am stumbling in flamingos alice whenever we are upset, more evil than before.
umpteenth manifestation of bad faith in the typical situation dell'elargizione advice that precipitate your potential seducers and ammaliatorio to absolute zero (Enrique listen to me, this is not your own bum, you pretty useless for him, is a jerk. and the next day you discover that the man that you have not worthy of any attention is madly in love with you), I learned that the male friend is a rhetorical and imaginary, and that I am a woman unable to admit the power of testosterone but also unable to resist the lure male milder.
or me, girls are the average woman. is a defeat but it is so heavy and I admit with sportsmanship.
my adventures male friendships have ended and then I went back to pink and reassuring world of girlfriends female: beautiful, brave, with a sense of humor and all the attributes necessary as the patience of Job (and not to support nightly conversations lasting several hours), the sight of a falcon (to identify the prey before he individuals you), the ear of hate (For the hearing the heartbeat of this man before you, and to prevent disastrous consequences for your psyche and elsewhere, below), the foresight, wisdom, etc etc..
unfortunate that the timing is not my forte.
, so when I put a stone on the idea of \u200b\u200bfriendship between man and woman getting here on time as the death of a man, the little man par excellence to offer his unconditional friendship. the Little Man says, we could be good friends. and as the man of the mountain but he did not question above.
so we, me and Terence, we are friends, apparently.
I woman has long prepared for the worst, I am genuinely amazed at His words.
I do not think I would go on to play Aldo Moro and the Red Brigades with my best friend, but even with my worst enemy in reality. In short then there are things that best friends imagine but do not apply, at least not with you , while in the case of this little man here, the theory never existed, so to speak.
those things in particular, best friends, should not do it.
because, mannikin, I would say, best friends are the depositories of the little 'Platonic where we choose to still believe, are the custodians of the ideals of purity, innocence, and the partners only only of our dreams as children, lay confessors of our venial peccadilloes. what to do with a friend of the heart that does not even know what it means to idealize the verb and whose favorite sport is to create the most daring fantasies gym as quickly as possible?
where did she go to finish the poem of friendship? and for decentralization: where did it go the poetry of love?
heart of that friendship between man and woman is a chimera, we got a bit 'all at this point in our adult lives, but what is the next step?
love? mmm I guess we're on the high seas.
sex? small fire.
I can only imagine that every situation has its own interpretive key, and then await clarification on where it is seen that in my total desolation and darkness of my immense ignorance I also lost the patch.