Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Narrow Shower Curtain

GLOCAL IS NOW ... but who cares? The Borghese Museum

Internet was considered the most innovative means of communication after the writing it is certainly true that the electronic revolution and the possibilities offered by new technologies have changed the world of so many people but we never asked Qanta are these people? The problem of the digital divide is thorny and still unresolved: unable to use the pc , you tube internet and e-mail is, or soon will be, considered to be illiterate and comparable people who have no idea which button to push to turn on a computer or believe that the mouse is a mouse "that sucks, but only fear" are many in Italy and worldwide.
If we think that end up on the Internet means access to a global dimension in my opinion completely wrong: my nice video, post, etc. on the site of important cultural festival of drama Old Joy will affect only a few people who liked the theater, which are on vacation or live in PNALM.
An example can be self-explanatory of what I mean: one year ago, bird flu hysteria in full (by the way but now the chickens do not die anymore?) On a blog of boys appeared pescasserolesi the news that a dead chicken had been found on the doorstep of City Hall. The "news" of what to Pescasseroli has spread quickly by word of mouth, but has not climbed the steps of the devil which connects the village of Abruzzo with the world. Qalche next day but the news has been launched by TGR Abruzzo and surrounding countries all wondered if the bird flu had also reached the national park. The news spread because the TV has spread!
Regarding the reflections of Alexander Consalvi I think it's normal to try to get information as clean as possible, without distorting frame, but any news will be transmitted in a frame cmq unless we are the eyewitnesses of the event . It 'nice to see on the web sometimes genuine and deserving materal journalism, but there are also "raw materials" that can not even draw attention to the topic dealing with the merits. Why? Why is necessasrio able to arouse interest, to overcome the language problem, how to cut the right snapshot, and when necessary to perform a minimum of censorship.

The video that I propose is a cat who plays ... is because the web is already full of shocking footage of kids who glorify war, and instead of terrible deeds is emphasized by the TV (assuming the video with the pieces of the American news) to a cat considered a star-You tube! Is it any thought.


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