Monday, October 15, 2007

Bollinger Champagne Umbrellas

Christmas with your family when you want rastiki

rastiki is a genius.
I thought just last night around during one of those five marathons in which I foolishly commitment to combat the physiological needs and the needs of the spirit of provoking experiences insomnia at the limit of endurance.
rastiki is a genius, I say.
she is a little person more devoted to others' approval of mariagoretti, most of all the Sisters of the Red Cross and war movies, mamy more of the various novels, more than any lady-love and Mother Teresa of Calcutta; patchadams beats. really.
rastiki this because not only is the sign of Libra which alone cry out for balance and cosmic harmony but also because it is India which adds a touch of necessary zeal and dedication that makes his crusade for the good of others amounted to a kind of self-inflicted slavery. in the sense that then she could never whip when the task of bringing happiness in homes that house.
is not that she would stand bread of mouth for you: she directly challenge platoons of creatures to steal food and sanitation delivery after rodent control in a wicker basket by her carefully braided while his family suffers the most severe famine, and she herself is on the brink of death malnutrition.
rastiki is so short: thought and action all for you, always.

but this thing I have ever known. but that which I grant tonight and probed with haunted eyes of the dark corners of my room hoping to stun the boredom is that peculiarities of rastiki lies in its offer moral support made of are brilliant.
there are people who just pities you not?, Eh, but she interacts showing a quick wit and an overview for which Marzullo and lucarelli you amputate a limb on the spot I tell you.
fact after undergoing meekly to endless hours of soliloquy you daily delivers them through all means of communication available (except for the time that the fax is broken) you can recover from torpor that have brought in less than three seconds and provide invaluable insights on your torment in the form of references to film, folklore, literary and comic able to tear you to delusions egomaniacali promptly sank back in which remembering that, in short, is not that the dicks you dance to the brains we have them only you own. ie to all in the same miserable conditions and there is someone who also made money with this thing.
you use one-tenth of your day only to find the words to explain and rastiki will not condense everything into a parable, not a joke but a single image, shared by most because they belong to the collective, capable of offer an alternative reading is also a solution to your problem papabile proto bulimic as a teenager.
she has the gift of synthesis and the essential to the clarity and this what makes it exciting because the woman is.
were a little less blasphemous light a few candles to the Virgin for having placed in my way disaster because without his sense of humor and talent this exceptional reference metatextual a person I would totally alienated.

but what is the latest ingenious idea of \u200b\u200brastiki? Having said that churns out at least once a day as the loaves of rescigno, the one that made me company last night during the marathon of the above concerns the calendar.

debate on the question of the will to power of capitoni which I have been keen to bring a small part in the previous post, I rastiki pointed out that in the advent calendar Christmas spirit also wants its share.

to that story we did the primary by the nuns, but where were his examples of virtue and my ruthless evil as well as manifestly sinful behavior, we have a very intense relationship with the religious holidays. Christmas for me as I wish it were tomorrow, that just can not wait.
here and yes indeed, that is, in fact even in the sense that no native of the most beautiful thing is the wait. all I count the days remain before diving into the soup of mussels and beans for example is too good, that feeling that overwhelms you from day sangennaro that from that moment on, every legume that will gradually swallow even mussels and toasted croutons.
eh. So to ease the wait someone has invented this advent calendar that I have always thought it was like something only Italian until I got a filling is something of a thousand goodness directly from Denmark, auks, but I told myself you see globalization and then I grant that the Scandinavian paganism was defeated nine hundred years ago and they are no less of us Christians but I defy any Teutonic matron relics blessed to hide bra as does my grandmother. ok, but: When in Rome ...

advent calendar for the unwary who do not yet know it is such a rectangle of cardboard divided into two quite a bit of numbered boxes that correspond to a certain number of days in the last twenty-five is in December. every day for a month, a window opens and the window is a gift: treats or toys, is irrelevant.
my advent calendar chocolate Danish overflowed in direct proportion to the quantity of saliva produced by salivary my system as soon as I opened the first box.
understand the joy.
too was also very nice to see because instead of having the usual sad ox and donkey drawn upon it had a rather famigliacuore Danish children and adults blond, beautiful and sorridentissimi that made me doubt even more the fact that we and they can share something besides the same location with respect to the meridian of Greenwich.

since rastiki told me about it I am convinced that the advent calendar is one of the world are more appropriate and why? why play on waiting.
in fact this is another case of postponing the pleasure that is the same mechanism of the preliminaries or movie trailers: prepares you for the supreme moment offering a variety of fun and intriguing previews that will increase the desire until then you're forced to take matters in hand - so to speak - to buy the ticket and get in line number one with fans outside the cinema on the day of premiere. unless you decides that it is better to die of want. like the protagonist of the game of cadaveric gerald for example.

as usual it's a matter of time to be able to give a rhythm to things or to comply with the rhythms has the advent of a world at his feet, in this case the man who manufactures the calendars that you know come back next year from him, and everyone expected the surprise hidden behind the window of tomorrow.

know: bring surprises like chocolate Danish dependency, however.
you that unfortunately your man is reminded of that today and we will celebrate some mesiversario be present at dinner with a complement of sciccosissimo Yamamay: how can you resist the urge to serialize the event and expect each month in underwear this day?
a badly you get used to the surprises that even when in the calendar window rather than the casual confetti bigusto find a keychain shaped brass rabbit willingly tolerate you because you know that between Less than a month and Christmas comes down to give us the best gifts.

the fact that at Christmas you always worn a statute is irrefutable because it is based on a mathematical criterion that is the law of large numbers: the gifts are so many that at least a couple will be saved, love it. and so at Christmas we're all happy: the wait was well worth a mass market and the calendar is more than ever fed.

I want to stress that I firmly believe in the policy adventitia and that few things are as eye-catching calendars, Christmas, foreplay, the movie trailers and back covers with everything unfolding of worlds unknown carried by most but I must also alert the public that - alas - there timburton. timburton and gave birth to nightmare before christmas. and Nightmare Before Christmas and, by the will of production, a nightmare on Christmas.
not express opinions on why I've also seen too many years ago to remember anything beyond the fact that the protagonist is already dead, but I must serve as a reminder to adults and children that sometimes our expectations can be very, very misplaced.
never god my cousins \u200b\u200bdid not find anything nice box behind the twenty-five December: I cry heart like few times in my life - except when I read zymmer marion bradley. but these fatal events are commonplace and we can not ignore hidden under ounces and ounces of transalpine delicacies.
who says that the Danish sweets quell'appetitoso we eagerly discarded to December 19 is not damaged or that the man then we expect to be fantastic from day one answer is in the midst of all his mental faculties?
is the misfortune of waiting at the end may prove a disappointment or worse still, a skeleton war surplus of something that was and is no more.
timburton me is that because the balls to mica more.

ok, meanwhile I've got the calendar to me three months ago. I thought that with the growth of GDP and the fact that the Istat basket and FMCG stocks would run out early. better to be sighted, I said at the time of beach parties.
it is already quite a few boxes and windows that open wide to receive them surprises, magnetic surprises, but after ninety days I almost gave up and shook hands with this ChristmasHamper meanwhile my love handles have tended more pleasant for any of the newly appointed assistant illustrious beniere Christmas wish come forward.


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