Another school, yet the hand of a boy who kills his peers, once again, the web is the helpless witness the announcement of a massacre.
In Finland, the calm, cool and peaceful land of reindeer, a lad of just eighteen, during a lesson, pulled out a gun and shot him: he killed seven companions, the principal and then killed himself.
The memory can not go back to last April 16 when, in a manner strikingly similar to that of yesterday, there was the massacre at Virginia Tech, or you think back to the Columbine massacre or Erfurt. The author of
massacre was published on YouTube, just before the massacre, a video entitled "Jokela High Scholl''Massacre''announced where the crime allegedly committed. In his blog, writes that he is''ready to die for the cause'', ie 'the elimination of''all those who consider it unworthy of the human race.''
on the internet, you tube, one of the most visited sites in the world, has announced the terrible future of 8 poor victims of the madness of a esaltato.Ora luckily the video has been removed but the question is obvious: this could be stopped?
This unfortunately confirms what I wrote about the "broadcast yourself": the fact that just post a video on you tube does not mean that le immagini saranno viste... il più delle volte le immagini scorrono via e non sono prese in considerazione.
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