Lisbon - Ten lessons to retrace the steps of the Unification of Italy. The initiative, organized by the Italian Cultural Lisbon to celebrate 150 years of del'Unità Italy, provides a full program of meetings - every Monday from early March until 23 May - during which, with the contribution of outstanding speakers, we will trace the period of Italian history, starting from the Restoration and the early revolutionary movement to the irredentist movements of the early twentieth century. "What the unification of Italy is a very salient issue in Portugal - said the director Lidia Institute Ramogida - like everything about Italy, loved and appreciated for its beauty. "Moreover, says the director, this event offers the possibility to reflect on the impact that the Renaissance has had on our history Portuguese. "The beginning of his first appointments has already seen a huge success. has in fact attended the packed classroom lesson" Spirit and interest. Two keys of interpretation of the Risorgimento, "in which Professor Carmine Cassino, a professor of Italian Language and Culture at the Centre for Languages, University of Coimbra, explained the different readings of the historical process that brought together the Italian people under one flag. But no only the history of projects fielded by the Institute of Italian culture has already begun a journey into the unification of Italy Italian literature, and they added one on the history of art from Romanticism to Impressionism. Space to the film, with the traditional film festival in April this year will be dedicated to the sesquicentennial of the Unification of Italy.
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