Lisboa - Select a cinematic" Risorgimento and Cinema " On the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Union of Italy Italian Institute of Culture in Lisbon
Tuesday, 22 m ARCH 2011 - Friday, March 25th of 2011
Cycle film "Risorgimento and Cinema" in collaboration with the Direzione Generale del Ministero degli System Paese Affari Esteri Italian and Cineteca Nazionale di Roma. A cinematic journey
1905 to the present day that allows us to reconstruct the Risorgimento in its various aspects. The introduction to the movies is done by Stefano Savio, the Association "Il Sorpasso.
projections in Italian.
Cycle cinematografico" Risorgimento and Cinema ", in collaborazione con la Direzione Generale del Ministero degli System Paese Affari Esteri Italian and con la Cineteca Nazionale di Roma. Un Percorso cinematografico dal 1905 ai nostri Giorni che permette di ricostruire il Risorgimento più nei Suoi Aspetti svariati. I film saranno introdotti of Stefano Savio, dell'Associazione "Il Sorpasso." Proiezioni in Italian language. Il Piccolo garibaldino Caserini Mario (1909) and di Roma La prey of Filoteo Alberini (1905)
Il Piccolo garibaldino Caserini Mario (1909), 15 min. Built around the myth of Garibaldi, the film tells the brief story of a boy who volunteered for the expedition part of Mille and dies, becoming a martyr.
Costruito intorno al di Garibaldi myth, film il racconto la storia di un brief boy who volunteered with the Expedition of the Thousand and dies, becoming a martyr.
The capture of Rome de Filoteo Alberini (1905), 10 min. Or short film is celebração histórica de Rome and a militant tomada em 1870 (Porta Pia) do Estado do Nascimento and Italian.
The short film is a celebration of historic and militant capture of Rome in 1870 (Porta Pia) and the birth of the Italian State.
Date: tercia-feira, 22 de março de 2011
Horarios: 18h00
Local: Sala Cinema IIC Lisboa
Organização: IIC
Em Lisboa colaboração com: General Management System Land of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Film Archive of Rome
Lugares limitados. Reserva obrigatória No hair 213884172
Informations the
Date: Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Hours: 18:00
Venue: Cinema IIC Lisbon
Organized by: IIC Lisbon
In association with: DG System's country Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Film Archive of Rome
limited capacity. Reservations required at no 213884172
Piccolo Mondo Antico de Mario Soldati (1941), 107 min.
Com Alida Valli, and Massimo Serato. Novel's namesake Fogazzaro Antonio. During the Risorgimento, a young nobleman, against the wishes of Austrian grandmother, marries a bourgeois woman. When her daughter was almost drowned the young mother crazy, improving only when the groom, however joined the revolutionary underground movements, announces his departure for the Crimean War.
Con Alida Valli, and Massimo Serato. Romanzo di Antonio Dall'omonimo Fogazzaro. During il Risorgimento, un nobile giovane, con la volonté della nonna Austrian, sposa una donna borghese. La giovane madre di risch la loro figli impazzire when affoga. Riuscirà superare la tragedia the ground when it sposa, che nel frattempo has adhered to the revolutionary movements clan destinations, announces his departure for the Crimean War.
Date: tercia-feira, 22 de março de 2011
Horarios: 19h00
Local: Sala Cinema IIC Lisboa
Organização: IIC
Em Lisboa colaboração com: Country System General Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Italian with the National Film Archive of Rome
(Lugares limitados. obrigatória hair Reserva No 213884172)
Informations the
Date: Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Hours: 19.00
Venue: Cinema IIC Lisbon
Organized by: IIC Lisbon
In association with: DG System's country Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Film Archive of Rome
limited capacity. Reservations required at no 213884172
Bronte: cron about a massacre that history books never told
de Florestano Vancini (1972), 126 min.
Com Ivo Garrani and Mariano Rigillo. O filme relata or acontecimento do histórico de massacre by Bronte aquando chegada de Garibaldi in Sicily, em 1860. Na tentativa de Ordem restabelecer to, or general Garibaldi Nino Bixio envia que aplica sanções económicas and thus constitutes um tribunal de war, and condensates julgar cerca de 150 pessoas. Sucessivamente check-se-á a inocencia de entre os quais muitos dos condenados or advogado Nicola Lombardo.
By Ivo Garrani and Mariano Rigillo The film tells the historical event of the massacre of Bronte at the time of the landing of Garibaldi in Sicily, in 1860. In an attempt to restore order, the general sends Garibaldi Nino Bixio is applying economic sanctions and a war tribunal, tried and sentenced about 150 people. Then it will recognize the innocence of many convicted including the lawyer Nicola Lombardo.
Date: Fourth-feira, 23 de março de 2011
Horarios: 19h00
Local: Sala Cinema IIC Lisboa
Organização: IIC Em Lisboa
colaboração com: Country System General Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Italian National Film di Roma
(Lugares limitados. obrigatória hair Reserva No 213884172)
Information Date: Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Hours: 19.00
Venue: Cinema IIC Lisbon
Organized by: IIC Lisbon
In association with: DG Country System the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Film Archive of Rome
limited capacity. Reservations required at no 213884172
Viva l'Italia by Roberto Rossellini (1961), 106 min.
With Remo De Angelis, Giovanna Ralli, Franco Interlenghi In Marsala, Garibaldi and his volunteers Borbon defeat the troops in the decisive battle near the River Volturno. Garibaldi is the King Vittorio Emanuele II and decides not to proceed to Rome and Venice against the wishes of his men, giving up the management of national unity under the banner of Savoy.
Con Remo De Angelis, Giovanna Ralli, Franco Interlenghi The Marsala Garibaldi ei Suoi volontari sconfiggono le Truppe borboniche nella battaglia decisive near the river Volturno. Garibaldi met King Victor Emmanuel II and decides not to go to Rome and Venice ia against the wishes of his men. The management of national unity is achieved under the banner of the Savoy.
Date: Fourth-feira, 23 de março de 2011
Horarios: 17.00
Local: Sala Cinema IIC Lisboa
Organização: IIC
Em Lisboa colaboração com: Country System General Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Italian with the National Film Archive of Rome
(Lugares limitados. obrigatória hair Reserva No 213884172)
Date: mercoledì 23 marzo 2011
Prayer: 17:00
Luogo: Sala Cinema SCI Lisbona
organizzata of: IIC
In collaborazione con Lisbona: Direzione Generale del Ministero degli System Paese Affari Esteri and Italian con la Nazionale di Roma Cineteca
Capienza limitata. Prenotazione obbligatoria al n. 213884172
San Michele AVEVA un gallo Paolo and Vittorio Taviani (1973)
With Giulio Brogi
, Daniele Dublino Giulio Manieri, an international anarchy of bourgeois origin is sentenced to life imprisonment in 1870 by a revolt broke. Stands alone in his cell, and to overcome anxiety by segregação and para manter if alive, pretending estar no meio de Debates politicos and Assistir ao triunfo by revolução.
With Giulio Brogi, Dublin Daniele Giulio Manieri, a middle-class origins of international anarchy is sentenced to life imprisonment in 1870 for an uprising failed. Left alone in his cell to overcome the shock of segregation and feeling alive pretends to be in the midst of political debates and witness the triumph of the revolution.
Date: Fifth-feira, 24 de março de 2011
Horarios: 17.00
Local: Sala Cinema IIC Lisboa
Organização: IIC
Em Lisboa colaboração com: Country System General Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Italian National Film Archive of Rome
(Lugares limitados. obrigatória hair Reserva No 213884172)
Information Date: Thursday, March 24, 2011
Hours: 17:00
Location: Cinema Hall IIC Lisbon
Organized by: IIC Lisbon
In association with: DG System's country Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Film Archive of Rome
limited capacity. Reservations required at no 213884172
Allonsan fan of Paolo and Vittorio Taviani (1974), 115 min
With Marcello Mastroianni and Lea Massari In northern Italy, in full restoration, the noble Fulvio, where he was released from prison for having joined a secret society, goes home and from the memories of childhood and family affection , forget the political commitment. Old friends, however, persuade him to join an expedition in the South that would raise the population against the Bourbon government but a failure that results.
Con Marcello Mastroianni and Lea Massari Italia Nel Nord, in piena Restaurazione, il nobile Fulvio releases to dal carcere per la ove was finite its appartenenza s una Setta Segreto, Ritorna at home and among the memories of childhood and the comforts of his family, forget the political commitment. Old friends, however, induced him to take part in an expedition to the South should raise the public against the Bourbon government. The expedition, however, fails.
Date: Fifth-feira, 24 de março de 2011
Horarios: 19h00
Local: Sala Cinema IIC Lisboa
Organização: IIC
Em Lisboa colaboração com: Country System General Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Italian with the National Film Archive of Rome
(Lugares limitados. obrigatória hair Reserva No 213884172)
Date: Thursday, March 24, 2011
Hours: 19.00
Venue: Cinema IIC Lisbon
Organized by: IIC Lisbon
In association with: DG System's country Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Film Archive of Rome
limited capacity. Reservations required at no 213884172
How wonderful murire duty lu de Ennio Lorenzini (1976), 85 min.
Com Giulio Brogi, Stefano Satta Flores and Alessandro Haber Em 1857, Carlo Pisacane, including 347 from prisão libertados presos de Ponza, Chega para promover uma Sapri insurreição popular contra as tropas borbónicas. Porém, Levada is a tentativa não bom in thermo-, or hero is dead and os seus homens são pelos Soldados massacrados borbónicos and camponeses pelos locais, and eclesiásticos incitados pelos pelos latifundistas.
With Giulio Brogi, Stefano Satta Flores and Alessandro Haber In 1857, Carlo Pisacane, with 347 prisoners released from the prison of Ponza, arrives at Sapri to promote a popular uprising against the Bourbon troops. The attempt fails, the hero is killed and his men were massacred by soldiers and Bourbon by local farmers, incited by the clergy and the landowners.
Date: sexta-feira, 25
Horarios de março de 2011: 17h00
Local: Sala Cinema IIC Lisboa
Organização: IIC
Em Lisboa colaboração com: Country General Management System of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Italian National Film Archive of Rome
(Lugares limitados. obrigatória hair Reserva No. 213884172)
Information Date: Friday, March 25, 2011
Hours: 17:00
Venue: Cinema IIC Lisbon
Organized by: IIC Lisbon
In association with: DG System's country Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Film Archive of Rome
limited capacity. Reservations required at no 213884172
I Arrivano Bersaglieri Luigi Magni (1980), 110 min.
With Ugo Tognazzi, Giovanna Ralli, Vittorio Mezzogiorno After the conquest of Rome in 1870 at the home of a noble prince, steady opponent of the Savoy, there is the tragic event of a betrayal that will lead to accidental death owner. He welcomes her home in a Zouave soldier wounded, but discovers he has killed his son, Bersaglieri, without realizing they had surrendered.
Arrivano di Luigi Magni Bersaglieri i (1980), 110 min. Con Ugo Tognazzi, Giovanna Ralli, Vittorio Mezzogiorno di Roma conquest Dopo la nel 1870, nella casa di un principe nobile, fermo oppositore Savoy, one lives the tragic event of a betrayal that will lead to the accidental death of the owner. After welcoming home a soldier in Zouave wounded, he discovers he has killed his son sharpshooter, without realizing that it had surrendered.
Date: sexta-feira, 25 de março de 2011
Horarios: 19h00
Local: Sala Cinema IIC Lisboa
Organização: IIC Em Lisboa
colaboração com: Country System General Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Italian and with the National Film Archive of Rome
(Lugares limitados. obrigatória hair Reserva No 213884172)
Information Date: Friday March 25, 2011
Hours: 19.00
Venue: Cinema IIC Lisbon
Organized by: IIC Lisbon
In association with: DG System's country Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Film Archive of Rome
limited capacity. Reservations required at no 213884172
Italian Instituto de Cultura de Lisboa - Cinema Hall
Cycle film "Renaissance and Cinema"
Date: tercia-feira, 22 de março de 2011 - sexta-feira, 25 de março de 2011
Horarios: Please see or do programa It
Local Event: Cinema Room IIC Lisboa
Organização: IIC Lisbon
Em colaboração com: Country General Management System of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Italian National Film Archive of Rome
(Lugares limitados. Obrigatória Reserva fur n . 213884172)
Information Date: Tuesday, March 22, 2011 - Friday, March 25, 2011
Times: Please see the event program
Venue: Cinema IIC Lisbon
Organized by: IIC Lisboa
In collaboration with: General Management System of the Country Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Film Archive of Rome
limited capacity. Booking No al obbligatoria 213884172