Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Pressure Back Of Head & Pressure Around Eyes

Supporters are not all criminals, but who exploits the football has to pay.

I come from a small town, go to the stadium means to sit on the steps to watch a game where kids play on the field that is so broken that it seems a potato field!
watching games, we make jokes about the players, at times, Unfortunately, the brawl broke out ...
Football is not sick, are sick people who use it as an excuse to beat, assault, steal and destroy ...
I'm not a big fan, but I like football. In my family there are people who belong to the group of the notorious "Ultras" and they are decent people. I am very close to a guy who lost a finger on him because he threw a smoke bomb which then exploded, ultras are close to going only to support their team, are close to the boys who have been attacked just because they belonged another fan base.
This post is not intended as a cry in favor of the ultras, but as always it is necessary to make the obvious differences.
are the hardliners, those who commit crimes must be punished, but they are often punished the wrong people! I've heard: close the stadiums, football lights up the hearts and brawls and riots break out ... We are sure that it is the fault of football? If they closed the stadium and perhaps the league stopping the violence invade some other sport! There is need for sports education and especially severe punishment for violent expelled for life from stadiums and prosecuted!
I'm trying to arrange an interview with a group ultras to hear the bell and the other because the ultras "civilians" could help the police to stem the fringes "criminals." I hope to give voice to the fans or honest to succeed to understand what's wrong with the world of football!

How To Connect A Camera To A Telescope

Roma emergency "persons" against "persons"

the Roma language this term (the Roma or gypsies, Roma or Rroma plural) simply means "person," "human being". Sometimes we forget. Other times we are tempted to forget it. The lack of humanity of an individual has made all the ethnic victim of racism camps were set on fire, started punitive expeditions ...
It 's normal to blame those who look different from us, who do not live in a house of bricks "built with sacrifices, and those who live hand to mouth to mouth, but we must remember who we are: in the world until recently fa e per molti ancora adesso italiano=mafioso! Io non sono mafiosa, rifiuto questa etichetta ed è giusto non crearne altre.
Qual'è la strada da percorrere per una piena integrazione? Qual'è la soluzione per questa emergenza?
Non è possibile obbligare i nomadi ad una vita stabile, ma si può indirizzarli cedendo loro spazi e possibilità lavorative. Chi vive vicino a campi nomadi ha paura...anche io ne avrei e per questo penso che si sia creato un forte pregiudizio culturale nei confronti di queste etnie. Grazie al compito assegnatoci dal Professor Gentiloni di intervistare un immigrato ho scoperto che anche gli immigrati ucraini, polacchi e africani provano paura e disprezzo nei confronti dei nomadi.
Bisogna lavorare all'integrazione on both sides!
I was struck, long ago, a news report that talked about the political elimination or control of "social deviants" and foreigners also put into Helvetic government in respect in particular of the Roma.
service reported the words of a writer Jenische (a gypsy community) victim of the operation called "Enfants de la grand-route" a policy of forced settlement. Over nearly half a century, Switzerland Jenisches over six hundred children were forcibly removed from their families relief from the Opera "Enfants de la grand-route", which had a unique mandate: to eradicate nomadism. With this in mind, the children of people were traveling systematically taken from their parents and placed with foster families or in orphanages, even when they were imprisoned or interned in psychiatric hospitals.
In 1998 Ruth Dreyfuss, Federal Councillor of the Swiss Confederation President today declared publicly: "The conclusions of the historians leave no room for doubt: the Work of Rescue Enfants de la grand-route is a tragic example of discrimination and persecution of a minority who does not share the life pattern of the majority. "
It 'important to remember that we are all humans (and I do not remember that in this case is rhetorical)!
It 'important to remember the past for not commenting on the same mistakes. To close this
in the words of Mehr and the historical video on the gypsies in concentration camps, because we make people think before they shoot judgments against other "persons"

"They took me away from my mother shortly after my birth (... ) The first six months of life were spent in a pediatric center for the mentally retarded.'s where I first experienced the torture of a child psychiatric Jenische (...) When for the first time I asked my mentor, Dr. Siegfried Who were my parents told me (...) your mother is a whore, your father an asocial. And this, I've brought along for ten years. Until I understood the meaning of those words, my parents were Gypsies ".

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Using A Transverse Engine For Off Road Buggy

soweth chupachup collects storms. hormone.

when I was little - but only in height, width because I already settled on the double square, such as double beds - the epidemic broke out of the drugged sweets.

the epidemic of drugged candies sold, if possible, on street corners and expressly outside the elementary schools. no kindergartens, middle or high school or the only primary school.
seems that someone had decided that the junkies had taken control of the confectionery market in order to invest in children and spend unimaginable amounts of its assets in the manufacture of well-chosen sciusciu filled with illegal substances.
indeed who did not know even then that the heroin sailing gold and quell'accattonare annoying that distinguishes them is really just an excuse to dispose of far from the watchful eyes of their loved ones.

when I was little history of the drugged sweets fell on the rest of my family as news of radiolondra during the war.

I never know who has put her around, but since then I have marked my life.

overnight mom and aunt pina instructed me, the little sisters and cousins \u200b\u200bnot to accept candy from the hands of unknown penalty poisoning doping substance, and of course death.
truth in the speech was not so linear, there was an assumption on the fact that the world was no longer the than once and we were spoiled for hyper children who never, when they were small, would have dreamed of eating sweets. them only the quince, which is seasoned with apple jam.

La. jam. Seasoned. Di. Apple.

to us instead of lego fructose liked bigbabol, bambinacci that we were not more vicious, and we were always there to eat in peace, my sister even more than achieving together so primacy the most powerful jaw of the west and a couple of extra corporeal experiences were caused by various asphyxiated intensity. this even when swallowed together with the flour bigbabol, but maybe part of chapter-I-last-minute talk about it again.

here: overnight, turning this item in each of our beloved pink cakes could be drugs, the same drugs that would eventually lead to addiction and death within a very short time and without us even knew of the children have become toxic.

even if in fact we had seen something curious drug already knew, namely that if ever we had decided we would take it immediately colored violet and all the street because we have recognized that in the meantime passed the air would spread the music of agonizing public service announcements on AIDS. quite the same eh and we all would have held up and deviating as we walked.

we do not like the music and did not like to think that we could mutate into unhappy people by the color of a bruise.
then just decide not to take drugs and they all lived happily ever thought we, working smarter and a little 'raised on the teaching of public service announcements.

but when your mother has never made a joint in his life despite being raised in the seventies, you are to say you're stuffing the sciusciu with drugs without even warn then everything changes because you can not do anything.

fear change.
terror becomes the friendly face of the tobacconist's elder brother or some friend of tea and you no longer know who to trust and who not to stop buying the cocacoline rubbery or elah Galatine liquorice or chocolate, only you must do it secretly, and look very well before putting them in the mouth; clear that the drug has a different color.

this story of the drugged sweets is a history of mistrust, that's what it is.

eighties between one thing and another over to lose the sense of elegance and discretion we have a little 'lost all innocence.
philanthropy drug dealers. Who would have ever expected all this desire to squander their fortunes with us kids, but apparently they did was good and who are watching their backs.

I do not have never forgotten this fact that behind every sciusciu can be hidden in a mou scoundrel.

spent in front of the tobacconist's foaming at the mouth bramante candy and all that I obtained was the administration of a proverb: "Trust is good not to trust is better." interval to see if the old stoned behind the counter was not then really a courier of the Medellin cartel.

not in any way that these experiences have affected my appetite which in recent times is out of control, however, did not leave me indifferent.

in fact I even tried to remove them - together unlikely to permanent and padded shoulders of my mother - but when I did I get into trouble.

to reply with the proverb parental another way to say the least among us who prefers younger I would say that it I learned that "when the devil caresses you want the soul" and that the seduction of memelle is very dangerous, even when it does not cover death by overdose.

actually drop me a packet of candies under the nose and I'll be yours forever, especially if in addition to peddle junk food under the table you purchase books and DVDs on the ants of science fiction.

fact if you, man guilty of making me spend two days sad and anxious, I will present brandishing a bag of flavored invitantissimi sciusciu E111 or E113, megatreccia not a padded or haribo a bucket of Haagen Dazs caramelandnuts that oozes from this soft, buttery board - yes, even the cartoon is buttery - which wraps tornotorno as I do not want to fall kidnapped at your feet?

you, man I hated until two minutes before the sucrose and the preservative will be made manifest in our hands, know that you are no less subversive of the establishment I pedophile who inhabited the nightmares of my mother.

because, let's face it, as it resists a dealer with an excellent command of Italian sweets?

even that is dangerous and hypoglycemic damage.

other than diabetes, here you run other risks.

here we run the risk of becoming addicted and even grateful.

dependent on sweetness.

nothing but nose wooden heart of tin. other than the land of donkeys. here wick he will throw us into the sea with all the clothes because of a pack of gummy candies to Coke and if a relative takes a chance again and hunt waistcoat and trousers with leggings and do grilloparlante of this hell I'll show him the whale's belly.

told him to turn his face from strangers who pay formal and memelle are his: a candy led to another and you're in the vortex of the rotation and hot chocolate drinks and travel and houses with gardens.

and all because I love to talk to strangers.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Ap Biology Lab Cell Respiration

Internet: an impotent witness to a dark omen

Another school, yet the hand of a boy who kills his peers, once again, the web is the helpless witness the announcement of a massacre.
In Finland, the calm, cool and peaceful land of reindeer, a lad of just eighteen, during a lesson, pulled out a gun and shot him: he killed seven companions, the principal and then killed himself.
The memory can not go back to last April 16 when, in a manner strikingly similar to that of yesterday, there was the massacre at Virginia Tech, or you think back to the Columbine massacre or Erfurt. The author of
massacre was published on YouTube, just before the massacre, a video entitled "Jokela High Scholl''Massacre''announced where the crime allegedly committed. In his blog, writes that he is''ready to die for the cause'', ie 'the elimination of''all those who consider it unworthy of the human race.''
on the internet, you tube, one of the most visited sites in the world, has announced the terrible future of 8 poor victims of the madness of a esaltato.Ora luckily the video has been removed but the question is obvious: this could be stopped?
This unfortunately confirms what I wrote about the "broadcast yourself": the fact that just post a video on you tube does not mean that le immagini saranno viste... il più delle volte le immagini scorrono via e non sono prese in considerazione.