Friday, March 14, 2008
Facebook If I Remove Tag Will They Know
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The music and dance come together at the third International Day for Down syndrome. Sunday, March 30 at 21 in the Hall of Petrassi Parco della Musica in Rome.
Products & Technologies. All that's new in the market and technology aids for the disabled, and advances on the products that arrive ...
The NATIONAL DAY OF DISABILITY 'intellectual and / or relational
March 30, 2008 Ostia (RM)
Using his experience and communication skills, Simona "flying without wings" through dance and art. / charities.asp
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
How To Make Your Viginia Loose

Autism, art and ethics
Autism, art and ethics
February 2, 2008 Conference Room - City Hall
Ciampino Via del Lavoro, 59 - Ciampino (Rome)
Saturday, February 2 2008 from 9.00 to 13.00 has been held in the Conference Hall of the Municipality of Ciampino, the exhibition Horizons conference. This opportunity to raise awareness not only to autism - a syndrome that affects the author of works on show, Simon Ruta - but more generally, the disabled, and - further widen the "Horizons" - diversity in other ways that also now seems to be a sine qua non of contemporary life: cultural, ethnic, social, religious, are on the agenda. Each of these raises suspicion, exclusion, prejudice in the 'other', let alone when diversity is dictated by a medical condition. Yet someone has written that "The price of normality, of being a normal person, it's not a genius. The average person knows how to establish relationships with others, loves to be with people and not very creative. [...] The price of genius is a deficiency in social relationships. " Who said it was Temple Grandon, autistic "excellent", quoted by Michael Fitzgerald in his memorable book Autism and Creativity (2004). What distinguishes our age, namely communication, is absent or "bad" - at least in its canonical form or the verbal and body - in people with autism which, however, surprisingly - though not in all cases - can develop expressive abilities alternative to the border between art and science. Fitzgerald always informs us of distinguished autistic from the past: the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, the writer Lewis Carroll, author and artist Donna Williams eclectic and then some posthumous diagnosis against none other than Michelangelo, Andy Warhol, the British mathematician Richard Borcherds, winner in 1998 Field of the coin, considered the Nobel of mathematics and even Bill Gates seems to have some characteristics comparable to those of autism. But what most want to emphasize is the heritage these human subjects are able to develop and offer to others. Known films like Rain Man - based on the life of Kim Peek, capable of solving complex mathematical operations in a few seconds - or even more Forrest Gump showed us how often goes beyond the disability to become an instrument of social and human transformation. The Forrest to Zemeckis is able to operate a change in who wants to look and who wants to listen.
took part in round table representatives of public institutions at various levels - politicians, teachers, psychologists, physicians - involved the common goal of trying to locate and report on strategies for support and collaboration for this disabling condition turn into a new opportunity for all.
The works on show have been produced under the supervision of the teacher support Maria Giuliano, presented at the conference arrangements for implementation of selected papers, subject, inter alia, a catalog that occasion was distributed freely to the press and all interested visitors. The publication makes use of the critical contributions of Maria Giuliano, Carlo Silvestre Magnelli, Alessandro D'Ercole and Maria Teresa Sarno.
speakers at the conference Alessandro D'Ercole (artistic director of the Cultural Arts Maxentius); Lucia Zeppetella Fortunata and Folino (psychology from the Tower of The Wire), Andrea Antonelli (creator and trainer of the Draft Basketball), Mary Julian (teacher and assistant in the work done by Simone Ruta), Giuseppe Fedele (President of the Ethics and Autism, an association of families with autistic), Nicola Pinto (founder and president of Project Philippides), Sandro Stramaccioni (Headmaster dell'ITCG "Michele Amari" Ciampino)
and also some representatives of related institutions: Enzo Foschi (Lazio), Tiziana Biolghini (Province of Rome), Adriano Palozzi (Mayor of Marino), Mauro Testa (Head of Culture, Sports, Education, Youth and Multicultural Municipality of Ciampino), Claudio D'Anna (District Health Director Rm H H3)
Organized by Massenzio Arte Cultural Association
e-mail : , f.ruta2 @
tel.: 3202654506-3289232342
My paper
TRAVEL NOTES Maria Giuliano
experience ... a work of art.
Working with the masterpieces of an opening to unlimited opportunities to meet with the images that allow a dialogue based on a series of questions. Simone was able to dig, take apart, reassemble, analyze, discover a world little known to him. E 'essential Simone develop more and more capacity to produce and understand messages, translate them and rework them into different codes, with the use and exchange of signs, graphic and painting techniques and thus gain the mastery of different mediums.
The artwork also allow a reading-interpretation that lends itself well to the resolution of problems encountered daily Simone every time you engage in any graphic representation. Obviously, the operational proposals take into account the maturity of perception, visual and manipulative Simone, supporting it from the perspective of continuity.
After experiencing a series of experiments with the masterpieces of art in the classroom of Simon, was set up an "art gallery".
For a more careful classification and easier retrieval of works by Simone was chosen cardboard, larger than a work of art because it fulfills the function of the frame, different colors for different contenuti.Dopo have worked with a work of art for the understanding and interpretation, it becomes a model to imitate, to experiment with the technique. For the same activity has been proposed not a single masterpiece but a collection of works that are different ways to represent similar content. Simon, along with teacher support, has chosen the preferred methods and techniques (impressionism, realism, etc..), He noted some art works of various movements that follow a way of representing the municipality.
experience ... a work of art.
Working with the masterpieces of an opening to unlimited opportunities to meet with the images that allow a dialogue based on a series of questions. Simone was able to dig, take apart, reassemble, analyze, discover a world little known to him. E 'essential Simone develop more and more capacity to produce and understand messages, translate them and rework them into different codes, with the use and exchange of signs, graphic and painting techniques and thus gain the mastery of different mediums.
The artwork also allow a reading-interpretation that lends itself well to the resolution of problems encountered daily Simone every time you engage in any graphic representation. Obviously, the operational proposals take into account the maturity of perception, visual and manipulative Simone, supporting it from the perspective of continuity.
After experiencing a series of experiments with the masterpieces of art in the classroom of Simon, was set up an "art gallery".
For a more careful classification and easier retrieval of works by Simone was chosen cardboard, larger than a work of art because it fulfills the function of the frame, different colors for different contenuti.Dopo have worked with a work of art for the understanding and interpretation, it becomes a model to imitate, to experiment with the technique. For the same activity has been proposed not a single masterpiece but a collection of works that are different ways to represent similar content. Simon, along with teacher support, has chosen the preferred methods and techniques (impressionism, realism, etc..), He noted some art works of various movements that follow a way of representing the municipality.
Personalizedbaby Quilt With Name And Birthdate
E 'for sale the book "The pebble in the pond." Many hands one heart to give life to a dream: the center for the blind multi-disabled, edited by Daniel Thomas. Rome: Palombi Editore, 2007 (ISBN: 978886060095X). E 'can buy the book edited by the National President of the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired, Thomas Daniel, at the Advice Centres Tiflodidattica of the Library and the Federation. The proceeds will finance the establishment in Rome of a rehabilitation center for recovery and multi-disabled blind. For more information please visit , news.
Events and
March 9, 2008
Rome - Piazza del Popolo - "Handicap Day 2008, organized by the Office of the Chief Executive Officer handicap the Province of Rome, under the patronage of RAI Social Action.
April 6, 2008 In 45 Italian cities and over 30 in the world - "Vivicittà '" in the Spring of Sport and Solidarity ", organized by Union UISP-Italian Sport for All, sponsored by the Social Action Department Rai.
Multimedia and Web site on
lists the programs of Radio that a deal to license various social issues. Within these programs are interwoven testimonies and information service. Aired a program devoted to the disabled "Several By whom? ".
deals with the issue of disability through significant stories, activities, testimonials, debates. It uses the direct reporting of individuals and the cooperation of volunteer associations. You can listen to previous episodes
looking through the archives
Different from whom? Ilaria leads Sotis
Playing on Saturday from 10:06 to 10:11 and Sundays from 10.10 to 10.15 e.mail:
March 6, 2008
On the occasion of International Women's Day on March 6 from 15.30 to 18.00 will be broadcast on a transmission line is open to readers of the monthly Kaleidos, components SPELLING of equal opportunities for women and anyone who is affected. Participate in the National President Thomas Daniel, Louise Bartolucci, Vanda Dignani, Salvatore Romano, Maura Paladino, Silvia Crotti, Cinzia Marroccoli (Phone Women - Power), Paul Ambrosi, Sabrina Frasca, Renato Terrosi and others. Will address various topics. Listeners will be able to intervene by sending an e-mail address: or by telephone at 06 69988353 or by filling in the form of the book speaks with the Union. We will produce a CD to MP3 sent free to those who request them in writing to the e-mail
In an article published in "The Messenger" by Roberto Bertinelli, books relating to "bet" on the web, the author comments on an American website ( ) which offers a library of classic books, blockbusters, foreign language courses.
Every day you may receive an "episode" of the selected book on your e-mail. Although the author says that this initiative does not help the on-line reading, because the book is to enjoy a calm and patience and the time is too long for people with disabilities / deaf might be an instrument of great convenience and enjoyment. It should be added that this project is not all original, at least as regards the use of reading with the help of the media, in fact, whether to browse the web pages of Rai matches we can find similar initiatives for some time. To give just one example, we propose the Audiofiabe read by Vittorio De Sica. Vittorio De Sica
tells the tales in MediaPortal Rai
What's better than a fairy tale? A beautiful tale told by the great Vittorio De Sica! In the guise of a noble castle in a fairy-tale castle surrounded by a light fog, the famous actor and famous fairy tales read to all ages and all countries: the Pied Piper of Hamelin to Tom Thumb, from Ali Baba to the tin soldiers. Immortal stories for children all ages, from today you will be able to "see" online, a preview and download for free in mp3 format to enjoy again anywhere and at any time. As of October 4, 2007 the famous fairy tales told by Vittorio De Sica are visible and can be downloaded from MediaPortal and website of Junior ( ).
RaiNet, the digital factory of the Rai Group, is expanding its podcast for kids, after the great successes of Melevisione and Blue Tree. Parents can accompany their children on the internet and the RAI, with a few clicks, download to your computer the famous tales of tradition, told by an exceptional character. All for free
and with the ability to play back your recordings at any time of day, or transfer of all possible media (personal computer, portable audio player, I-pod, phone, etc..) for a full enjoyment on the move.
Theme: The junior
AUDIOFIABE are available Belsole, Vardiello, The tin soldier, Renzolla, Tom Thumb, Golden Fish, The Emperor's New Clothes, The Pied Piper of Hamelin, The Selfish Giant, Fiorina, Ali Baba three talismans.
E 'for sale the book "The pebble in the pond." Many hands one heart to give life to a dream: the center for the blind multi-disabled, edited by Daniel Thomas. Rome: Palombi Editore, 2007 (ISBN: 978886060095X). E 'can buy the book edited by the National President of the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired, Thomas Daniel, at the Advice Centres Tiflodidattica of the Library and the Federation. The proceeds will finance the establishment in Rome of a rehabilitation center for recovery and multi-disabled blind. For more information please visit , news.
Events and
March 9, 2008
Rome - Piazza del Popolo - "Handicap Day 2008, organized by the Office of the Chief Executive Officer handicap the Province of Rome, under the patronage of RAI Social Action.
April 6, 2008 In 45 Italian cities and over 30 in the world - "Vivicittà '" in the Spring of Sport and Solidarity ", organized by Union UISP-Italian Sport for All, sponsored by the Social Action Department Rai.
Multimedia and Web site on
lists the programs of Radio that a deal to license various social issues. Within these programs are interwoven testimonies and information service. Aired a program devoted to the disabled "Several By whom? ".
deals with the issue of disability through significant stories, activities, testimonials, debates. It uses the direct reporting of individuals and the cooperation of volunteer associations. You can listen to previous episodes
looking through the archives
Different from whom? Ilaria leads Sotis
Playing on Saturday from 10:06 to 10:11 and Sundays from 10.10 to 10.15 e.mail:
March 6, 2008
On the occasion of International Women's Day on March 6 from 15.30 to 18.00 will be broadcast on a transmission line is open to readers of the monthly Kaleidos, components SPELLING of equal opportunities for women and anyone who is affected. Participate in the National President Thomas Daniel, Louise Bartolucci, Vanda Dignani, Salvatore Romano, Maura Paladino, Silvia Crotti, Cinzia Marroccoli (Phone Women - Power), Paul Ambrosi, Sabrina Frasca, Renato Terrosi and others. Will address various topics. Listeners will be able to intervene by sending an e-mail address: or by telephone at 06 69988353 or by filling in the form of the book speaks with the Union. We will produce a CD to MP3 sent free to those who request them in writing to the e-mail
In an article published in "The Messenger" by Roberto Bertinelli, books relating to "bet" on the web, the author comments on an American website ( ) which offers a library of classic books, blockbusters, foreign language courses.
Every day you may receive an "episode" of the selected book on your e-mail. Although the author says that this initiative does not help the on-line reading, because the book is to enjoy a calm and patience and the time is too long for people with disabilities / deaf might be an instrument of great convenience and enjoyment. It should be added that this project is not all original, at least as regards the use of reading with the help of the media, in fact, whether to browse the web pages of Rai matches we can find similar initiatives for some time. To give just one example, we propose the Audiofiabe read by Vittorio De Sica. Vittorio De Sica
tells the tales in MediaPortal Rai
What's better than a fairy tale? A beautiful tale told by the great Vittorio De Sica! In the guise of a noble castle in a fairy-tale castle surrounded by a light fog, the famous actor and famous fairy tales read to all ages and all countries: the Pied Piper of Hamelin to Tom Thumb, from Ali Baba to the tin soldiers. Immortal stories for children all ages, from today you will be able to "see" online, a preview and download for free in mp3 format to enjoy again anywhere and at any time. As of October 4, 2007 the famous fairy tales told by Vittorio De Sica are visible and can be downloaded from MediaPortal and website of Junior ( ).
RaiNet, the digital factory of the Rai Group, is expanding its podcast for kids, after the great successes of Melevisione and Blue Tree. Parents can accompany their children on the internet and the RAI, with a few clicks, download to your computer the famous tales of tradition, told by an exceptional character. All for free
and with the ability to play back your recordings at any time of day, or transfer of all possible media (personal computer, portable audio player, I-pod, phone, etc..) for a full enjoyment on the move.
Theme: The junior
AUDIOFIABE are available Belsole, Vardiello, The tin soldier, Renzolla, Tom Thumb, Golden Fish, The Emperor's New Clothes, The Pied Piper of Hamelin, The Selfish Giant, Fiorina, Ali Baba three talismans.
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