Sunday, December 18, 2005
Lettervolunteer Hours Completed
Bacco, tobacco and Venus ....
sing Tomorrow 'in concert at the Accademia ...
To my horror as I was unnecessarily advertising 'event (which precisely and' open to a select circle of guests), more 'people, including Florence showed openly ignore where it is and what it was that the Academy, before which, every day brings together a line kilometers of tourists, regardless of snow, rain or sun lion buff to enjoy the features of Michelangelo's David.
program for me, offers a cantata by Telemann for four solo voices, four flutes, four violas da gamba and basso continuo ... ... at least I think the evidence to date, we have never had the ' staff to complete.
After a period instrument, we will return to the attack to end the concert with the Bach's Actus Tragicus -the very name seems to portend a catastrophe, I will see 'engaged among other things, in a duet with a elusive bottom, which will see 'for the first time a few hours before the concert ..
no comment!
... in all this I rediscovered an old friend and schoolmate, Alessia Arena sing that 'the soprano part in both of them. The content will
' Gianluca Pasolini .
Monday, November 7, 2005
Harmful Initiation Ideas

Tokyo and on time.
Tokyo is gone, sucked back into the vortex of memory, speed of boeing 777: delivered in the past.
This is not an instant that knots a measured passed to an immeasurable future, known to the unknown, the uncertain course.
A short small knot that can not be grasped.
For more than a year, I expected this parenthesis in the far east, which seemed to never come, and has already been completed, leaving a series of images, sounds, tastes, running confused in the mind, mixed with the dream.
Only pictures I took and the AKA-BEKO that falter head gently in my kitchen, I offer the tangible signs of this shift.
And remember:
The ad offered tissues in the street.
The green tea ice creams and red beans.
The grape and strawberry giant diosperi that never allayed.
Girls trudging all day on vertiginous heels, putting on knee-high boots (with 40 °) with the toes turned inward.
Water with the ice supply in each room.
The hot-towel to clean your hands.
The Japanese who you speak Japanese.
The numbers of stops on the subway.
A kimono fresh daily.
The Hilton girls who work 24 hours a day.
The tons of powdered soup we ate.
Cookies packed in a one.
Crows giant and dwarf dogs.
The students dressed in sailor suits with mini and knee socks.
The false nails encrusted with glitter and stickers.
The resilience of the Japanese, who can sleep anywhere and even standing.
rubber nipples to be put under tight shirts.
I no longer smart.
Neon lights.
The pendants on the phone.
The sidewalks slippery with rain.
The people who are not ashamed to read comics porn on the subway, while hiding the covers of novels.
Long, SUSHI ... ....
Tuesday, November 1, 2005
Navel Piercing Procedure
advantage of the public holiday today, I accompanied my mother to see the exhibition WOMAN WOMEN ... Palazzo Strozzi (because you have now returned Florence).
misled by the title, I was convinced to spend some time in front of the beautiful paintings by Artemisia Gentileschi, Tamara de Lempicka and Frieda Kahlo, but when the entrance to the exhibition I heard a flight attendant to call a visitor not to walk on one of the works on display (a red and white checkered tablecloth - picnic style - with a hole in the middle, lying on the ground), I realized that I wrong!
In the first room were exposed to two gigantic female figures twins, mauve-colored, lean forward, showing their panties from behind violets, under a very small skirt.
In a glass case in the next room were enclosed in a small circle back, about 10 cm high, with a small brush buttocks pentagons blacks who wanted make them like footballs.
While visiting these wonders, spread through the halls of the exhibition of groans preorgasmici, which we later discovered to come from a video (another "work") that shows a woman kneeling on the ground, seen from behind, that scourged the bare back for the entire 12-minute clip.
Continuing we arrive to a room smelling of Marseille, the presence of another "Work" from the floor (.. once there was talk of frescoes and building works ... mah!) Entitled Raw RAPE: it was a stretch of 4 meters SUN soap brand, which alternated with others where the jaws was replaced by the words saliva, sweat, blood or urine.
was surrounded by the fragrant carpet guaches with obscene images, including the quietest showed a pelvic examination carried out with a telescope ... ...
Then suddenly a violent turning style, with a room completely covered with scarves, hanging from the domed ceiling and a series of stuffed animals, hanging from parachutes at different heights.
In all the exhibitions at the Palazzo Strozzi, when you think you've seen it all, check again that small room located next to the entrance of the first floor, which now houses a slide show, titled All By Myself , in which the artist had put a series of shots depicting the adolescence forty. And to better identify with the song when he says Do not want to be all by myself anymore, slides showed the first author undertook to tighten up the glans of her partner and then in intent a lesbian relationship.
The two most beautiful pictures of the show (I'm serious) were of acrylics on canvas, with application of beads, glitter, pins and elephant dung.
I find it somewhat unfair to the absence of any mention of the name and nationality of the elephant that has contributed, with an effort senz'atro higher than that of the artist, the creation of such a chef d'oeuvre : is a clear violation of the copyright of the animal!
During the Tuscan TG traces of the 14 I had to re-route of exposure from a service which said that some rooms of the exhibition (I'd like to know which ones!) Had been visited by a large class of children, according to a project aims to bring the children in contemporary art ... ..
If this is art!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
How To Take In Pants That Are Too Big

At the end of a show, the Japanese are accustomed to get up and go without much ado ... tradition dating from the early days of kabuki theater, but everywhere are able to stalk him and force him to submit to endless sessions photographs.
The images are readily accessible printed and delivered to the person in question, leaving the dressing room for another endless autograph session.
In this my face is turning, together with that of Nir in a few dozen houses in and around Tokyo ...
After the second performance of Barber, one of the earthquake, a very kind lady named Hatch Yorie got the lucky kitten photo and a blush to my cheeks too white, the envy of the Master who said "I work and you take gifts .."
Saturday, February 12, 2005
Insignia Ns-r2000 Sherwood 4105
It seems that the Swedish state of advice to its citizens to have at least six friends. Having a social life is an affair of state. Brilliant!